12: Waiting

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After the police car dropped Vanessa off at the hospital entrance, he gave her a curt nod before pulling away.

Vanessa hobbled off the driveway towards the warm, brightly lit hospital entrance. The pain in her ankle had subsided somewhat after icing it and taking the painkillers the paramedics gave her.

It took a few minutes but Vanessa eventually made her way to the reception desk and inquired about Aiden. After referring her to a nurse and then a doctor and then an assisting surgeon, Vanessa ascertained that he was still in surgery.

She was led to the waiting area and instructed to wait.

Without her phone or any of her belongings for the matter, Vanessa felt alone and extremely uncomfortable. She borrowed a cellphone from the woman sitting beside her and dialed for her butler.

"I know it's late Gerald but I have a favour to ask."

"Anything for you Miss Holdom," Gerald's British accent came through from the other end. He seemed to be half-asleep because his voice was slightly raspy.

"I'm at UCLA Medical. Could you please bring me some food, a thin blanket, bath towel, a comfortable change of clothing and some money? And my laptop?"

"Right away Miss."

Vanessa could always count on Gerald. He had been with her for almost ten years now, ever since she was a young child. In some sense, he was like the grandfather she never knew. Gerald was professional for the most part but when called upon for more personal matters, he was also discreet and loyal. There was no one more trustworthy and reliable than this 70 year old man. That's why he was the only non-family member who held a spare key to her house.

After picking up a magazine and casually flipping through it for a while, Gerald popped into view. His long, saggy face was flushed; he probably ran up the stairs. Vanessa wasn't used to seeing him in plain clothes: he usually wore either a suit or at least a formal jacket. Seeing him in a thin, faded hoodie and jeans made her do a double take. Somehow the clothes made him look ten years younger.

"I would hug you but I don't want to get you wet," Vanessa laughed, taking the bag of clothes from Gerald's outstretched hands. "Thank you so much Gerald. I can always count on you."

"It's nothing, Miss. Is Mr. Carlisle alright?" Gerald's eyes darted towards the ominous doors that led to the surgery rooms down the hall.

"I have no idea," Vanessa admitted, "They didn't tell me much."

"Would you like me to stay with you?"

"It's alright Gerald. You've done enough. It's late. You should get some sleep."

"I don't mind," Gerald added, "I'm already quite awake now. I can stay with you for a while if you need my support."

Vanessa hesitated. "Okay, that would be nice. Thank you." She gave Gerald a small smile before heading to the washroom to change.

After drying herself off and slipping into a comfortable hoodie and sweatpants, Vanessa towel dried her hair and draped the blanket around her shoulders for warmth. She wrung out her dress and tossed it in a plastic bag. It was probably ruined for good by now.

Rejoining Gerald in the waiting area, Vanessa found him waiting with two cups of coffee and some Chinese takeout.

Handing her the coffee, he said, "Sorry, the Chinese place down the street was the only one open at this hour. I hope it is not too horrible.""Thank you Gerald. This is great," Vanessa said, opening up the steaming styrofoam container filled with Chicken Chow Mein.

While she slurped up the yellow noodles, Gerald asked her what happened and she explained bit by bit, the entire ordeal in great detail, all the way back to the stupid blimp in the sky.

After she was finished, Gerald tentatively asked, "So how do you feel about Mr. Carlisle now?"

Vanessa pouted. "I really don't know. I didn't think I could still care for him like this. But seeing him covered in blood...I was ready to give up my own life just to save him. Is- Is that stupid of me?"

"No, not at all," Gerald replied, "I think you're just a young woman reacting naturally to the fact that someone you once loved deeply became severely wounded. It's common after such a trauma to feel guilt and self-hate as well as have some old emotions resurface."

"Do you think a small part of me is still in love with Aiden?"

Vanessa usually never discussed her personal life with Gerald or any of her household staff for that matter. She was a private person and much preferred to handle her own business. The only person she ever talked to about Aiden was Lexi, but she was away in Spain at the moment.

"It's hard to say, Miss Holdom. But I suppose, given your history, some part of you is still very concerned for his wellbeing and doesn't wish him any real harm."

"Please, call me Vanessa. I've never really liked being called Miss Holdom. Least of all by someone I've know for a third of my life."

Vanessa broke into a laugh and Gerald joined in soon after. "Old habits die hard," he said, "I can't guarantee anything but I'll try to stop calling you that. Vanessa."

Gerald stayed for two more hours until a nurse called out Vanessa's name and took her in to see Aiden.

"Good night Gerald. Thank you for staying with me and comforting me. I really needed it. See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow. I wish Mr. Carlisle a swift recovery."

"Thank you Gerald. Thank you," Vanessa called out before following the brightly uniformed nurse to one of the hospital's private rooms.

She had to lie to the hospital and tell them that she was Aiden's fiancee but what the hell, she needed to see him.

Once the door gently shut behind her, Vanessa sat down on a plush chair beside Aiden's bed. He was unconscious but his breathing was slow and even. A large green hospital gown was covering his wounds. Vanessa wanted to see them for herself but was too afraid to disturb him.

An IV bag dripped fluids into the catheter plugged into his wrist. He also had clear tubes laced all around his face, under his nostrils and neck to help him breathe. An assortment of machines and screens beeped softly on his right hand side.

Aiden's face looked ragged and beads of sweat dotted his cheeks and forehead. Vanessa stood up, leaning over his sleeping figure. "I am so sorry Aiden. You wouldn't be lying here if you didn't try to save me," she whispered.

Clutching Aiden's hand tightly in her own, Vanessa muttered a few more apologies before resting her head on the corner of Aiden's bed and falling into a fitful sleep.

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