Is he dead... or alive?
Hey blog world, I am back. Forgive me for my last blog entry, with all the sad things, I just was just trying to cover up some basics for my doctors and for you guys. I don't have much of a 'Fun' or 'Exciting' life, but I intend on getting by.. by a miracle. Surprisingly I made it this far, why not farther? Well anyway, something weird happened today. I went to go take care of mother, so I went to the store to pick up some medicine. While walking to the store, I could've swore I saw Dad leaning on this tree in the far distance. I don't know.. I mean he IS dead.. right? Dead can't come back alive, and who knows.. my vision is terrible, maybe that was some random look-a-like or.. maybe.. that was really him. Either way, I couldn't care less, my dad was a dipsh.. idiot and distrustful man. I'm making no sense, please forgive me, but when you see a person that looks exactly like someone that's already dead, it makes your mind wonder. I'm not much of a believer, but could he be an angel? God wouldn't accept him, he's bad as it is. Well, anyway, afterward that weird mess.. I picked up mom's medicine and made it back home. It seems mom's conditions is getting worse, and there's just not much I can do. Well, sad as it is to say, if she dies, she will be in a much better place than this hell hole.. This planet we live on.
Well, I'll write again tomorrow, even how crazy it sounds, I will be looking into what I saw today... The ghost of my father, James Palmer.
Project 11
Horror"The mind of the subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist."