Project 11, What am I dealing with?
I found some strange documents in the house today. Really strange documents. I think they are about my dad and my grandfather. It was in a big box in the basement hidden under the stairs next to piles of junk. There is quite a lot of papers, but of course, most of it is either burned or scratched out. From the very few pages I can make out, It talks about a experiment in the 1960’s, called “Project 11.” It talks about these strange experiments performed on people…. prisoners. Most of the pictures are blurred/burned out, but there is one. A person in… what seems to be a tube, he doesn’t look… human. I am really not sure what I am dealing with here. Was my dad part of this? My grandfather, too? I need answers…
Project 11
Horror"The mind of the subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist."