Chapter 29

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- Diego, Are you crazy? If my parents did saw you here... O my gosh.
- Well i'm her now.
- Yes and i am realy happy you are but, how did you get up her?
- Your  balcony. I'm sorry for showing up like this. He Said then kissed me.
- But? I asked and released him.
- But i Missed you, i mean we did not have a chanse to continue what we started. He leaned in and i giggled.
- No, No. I Said, what if my parents come in?
- I can see your point, but?
- But? I asked again.
- You Know what i mean. He Said and smiled then he leaned in again.
- Thanks for coming by, but i think you need too... I Said and leaned away.
- Too what, leave. He Said. Then walked closer.
- Yes. I Said and smiled at him.
- But i think you whant me to stay.
- Why do you think that. I wispered.
We where so close to each other.
- i just Know. He Said.
I looked in his eyes.
- Would it be wrong to kiss you now? He asked.
i almost jumped in his arms Amd kissed him.
He kissed me back with so much passion.
After an hour of talking and kissing.
Diego walked down the balcony.
He is my Prince charming i can feel it everything is so magic.
I am blind in love.
Next day at school it was normal everything was perfect.
But i am so tierd i was awake for hour yesterday thinking of
I think you Know hwo.
I snapped out of my daydream when someone talked to me.
- Angie? Angie?
- Yes? Ooo sorry sorry. I was just.
- In thoughts? Asked Diego.
- Yes. I smiled.
- I whanted too ask you if you whant too come with me and my parents.
We are going to a little Trip to our cabin in the weekend?
- Herman go on a Trip with you and your parents that's  a big thing.
- yes i Know but that would be a great chanse too Know them better. He Said and put his arm around me.
- Yes, Well Okay that would be realy fun. I Said.
After that we whent to class.
After school i walked home.
I was so exited for the Trip with Diego and his parents.
At home i walked in to mom.
- Hi mom.
- Hi darling, how was school today? She asked.
- it was fine, just fine.
I whanted to ask you...
- Yes?
- i mean tomorrow is Saturday and I whant to go on a trip with some friends if it's okay.
-  I don't know. Where are you guys going then?
- A cabin.
- Okay. I'm fine with that.
- Just like that? I asked.
- I'm not as hard as your father.
and I know he can  be a little over protective sometimes but that is just because he loves you.
- Thanks mom, your the best. I said and hugged her.
Then I walked to my room.
I was packning my things in my room.
I was so happy. I am going to meet and get too Know Diegos parents.
I'm sure it will be alot fun.
- I heard mom Said that you and some friends are going on a Trip to a cabin. Said my dad that came in.
- Yes i'm so exited, it's Okay for you i hope?
- Yes, yes. Just what friends are coming with you?
- just some girls from school. I Said and i felt the lie grow.
- Okay. Well i see yu tomorrow. He Said and kissed my head.
- Good night. He Said.
- Goid night dad.
I Said then he left my room.
After i had packning my things i walked straight to bed.
I was tierd.
But I stayed awake a little just thinking of tomorrow...
Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updating so much I haw just had so much tests in school and stuff.
But I really whant to know what you guys think of this book.
What will happened tomorrow?
Give me ideas.
Love you! XX

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