Chapter 11

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I sat in a tree just outside of the hospital.
"We can't tell anyone Kiba." I said "Why do you think they didn't tell us? Because we weren't meant to know."
"Then why did you want to find out?"
I stayed silent, lowering my head.
"When my dad told me that the Fourth Hokage had a child.....I just.....I just had the urge to find out."
Kiba sighed, resting his head back against the tree.
"We just need to stay quiet, until we're told or realise or something like that until-"
"How will we realise if we already know?" Kiba butted in.
"As in, if there's an obvious hint, and as I was saying, until it's revealed we pretend like nothing happened, and if it is, then we act as if we never knew."
I turned my head toward him.
"I'm being serious."
"I know."
I felt my cheeks heat up. The way he sat and the way he spoke. I looked away before he could notice me.
"Well." I sighed, standing up. "I should get going, and so should you, Akamaru probably wants you." I looked down and saw the white dog looking up at us. "Thank you for your help."
Kiba stood up, stretching his arms out.
We both smiled at each other before I jumped off the branch, I jumped from tree to tree with the image of Kiba in my head. He actually left Akamaru to help me. Even though I haven't known him long, I've noticed that him and Akamaru are barely apart, he even brought him into the BBQ restaurant. I don't know any other person that would do that. Even his smile makes me jump. I decided that I would go to the shops so I went home, picked up the money dad left for me and walked down the street. I walked past tea shops, the BBQ restaurant, grocery shops and trinket shops.
"Kyuko." I heard a gentle voice.
I turned around to see Hinata walking towards me.
"Hey Hinata, how have you been today?"
"Very good, what about you?"
I thought about the hospital and Kiba.
"The same, exploring the village." Hinata chuckled
"What are you doing?" She asked
"I was just looking for something to eat"
"Oh, me too. I was on my way to a really good dumpling shop that I know, would you like to join me?" she smiled.
"Yeah sure."

Hinata and I sat at a table eating multi-coloured dumplings on skewers covered in sauce.
"So how are you liking the village?" Hinata asked.
The image of Kiba popped into my mind.
"I like it, it's better than the hidden lock village, everyone seems really nice."
Hinata smiled at my reply.
"And everyone gives you a chance." I added.
Hinata chuckled
"Yes, when I was a genin my cousin Neji would help me with the gentle fist technique, of course I wasn't as good as him, but he was patient with me."
"Neji's your cousin?"
"Yes, his father was my fathers brother but Neji's father died when he was little, my younger sister Hanabi and I grew up with him, he's more like our brother than our cousin."
I smiled.
"What's it like in your team of three?" I asked.
"It's ok, sometimes I have to break up little quarrels between Kiba and Shino, but when we work together we're great."
Hinata took a bite of a dumpling.
"Why do Kiba and Shino fight?"
"I don't know really, it's the way boys act within the teams, Neji fights with Lee sometimes" Hinata lowered her head "I've seen Naruto and Sasuke fight."
I frowned.
"Who's Sasuke?"
Hinata's head shot up.
"Oh that's right, you don't know. It's a bit of a long story but I'll tell you, Sasuke Uchiha had a rough past and he wanted to get revenge on the person that made his life so terrible. Orochimaru, one of the leaf's legendary sanin who turned bad wanted Sasuke's body."
"Orochimaru wants to know all ninjutsu."
"But that's impossible, it'll take more than a persons life span to perfect it all."
"Yes, Orochimaru attached a portion of his soul to a human body, so that he would live longer in a younger body, he saw how strong Sasuke was and wanted it deeply, Sasuke went to Orochimaru."
My eyes widened.
"But only for training, he had no intention of giving Orochimaru his body, Lady Tsunade refused to let it happen, once Sasuke was gone she sent Shikamaru, Kiba, Naruto, Choji and Neji to bring him back back home, they fought Jonin level ninja."
Hinata lowered her head.
"But they failed, Shikamaru felt terrible, it was his first mission as team captain.
"When did this happen"
"Roughly two and a half years ago, we were all still genin, except for Shikamaru. Choji and Neji's battle wound were so bad that they were at the brink of death."
"Soon after Naruto retuned to the village, Sai was put on the team to replace Sasuke."
"Where did Naruto go?"
"He went out of the village to train with Lord Jiraiya, one of the Legendary sanin."
"Who's the third member of the legendary sanin?"
"Lady Tsunade"
"Wow." I said. "Even though this village is nice, its still got a bit of chaos."

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