The next morning

473 17 3

Jean POV

« Are you fucking hard???? »

« It's normal thing, it's morning »

« don't joke on me, not that much »

« It's your fault, you rub your knee on it, on you were on me»

« Wait what, you're a fucking pervert, being that hard because of a knee »

« Shut up. i share my room with Armin remember? He is always here, you think i can touch myself often »

Are we seriously talking about that. Anyway, i get out of the bed, take my stuff and go to shower.

« Ok i let you the room, i go take a shower. Please have fun, i'll make sure i'll take my time »

He look at me with big eyes and i get out of the room. It was early, so no one was already awake. I take my clothes off and go under the water. How can he be hard with just a knee, can't stop to think of that. Oh fuck it's become hard too. God why the shower have to be public one. I put the water on cold for calm down and i sit on the floor. Even finally came to the shower, i look at him.

« What are you looking at? »

I look down. I put my attention on the noises around, still have no one here

« Thanks you, long time i didn't sleep that good »

« You're welcome »

He go under the shower.

« Will you come back tonight? »

« Yeah if you want »

Finally the other start to wake up and come take a shower.

Armin: « Hey Jean do you feel better »

« Hum.. yeah a bit »

Connie: « Are you fall off the bed or something, i think i never so you awake so early »

« Yeah something like that »

I switch off the water, dress up and return to my room. I saw tissues on the trash box. « So he really did it ». Anyway it wasn't my problem. I let my pyjama on the bed and go downstairs to eat. No one was here, except Sasha already eating.

Sasha: « Hey Jean! So you feel better. Come eating »

I sat next to her and take a slice of bread. I stil not really hungry so i just eat it like that. The others came to eat, and i go back to my room, finishing to dress up and get ready for today's training.

Yeah i upload fast today :D. But i didn't have more here. And i don't know what to write next so i don't know if there will be more for today.

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