Every night until i fucked it up

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.............. The night .................

Eren POV

It was a long day and all my muscle hurts. It was already 9PM, so i eat fast, take a shower, put my pyjama on and go to bed. I try not to fell asleep until midnight, but it didn't work. I wake up suddenly, look at the hour. It's only 23h30. Admin is already sleeping. I quietly go out of the room and go to Jean's. The light still on and he was sitting on his bed.

« Hi »

« Hi, so you really come again »

« Yeah »

I was ready to go up on the bed but he was looking at me, his cheeks was red.

« You want me to directly sleep with me »

He look a his hands, embarrassed .

« You're okay with that »

I sit next to him

« Yeah it's ok, so let's sleep »

He put the light off and lay next to him. He come into my arms, just like yesterday.

« Don't come on me this time »

« Shut up, like i would »

No tears this time, but i still feel his breathe on my neck. It's really strange to sleep with him in my arms. This night we didn't wake up until the morning. When i woke up his head still on my shoulder, but he was only next to me.

« Jean, it's morning, wake up, i have to go on the shower or Armin will ask questions »

« mmmh... » He look at me and turn on the bed « Thanks you, long time i didn't sleep an entire night »

« No problem, i'll be back tonight, see you later »

He didn't answer, i think he falls asleep again.

............. Two weeks later............

 (Because i'm lazy and i have nothing interesting to make happen in this time)

It was already two week that i sleep with Jean and he seems to really feel better. I think that sleep more help a lot. I was about to leave the room but Armin stop me.

« Where are you going ? »

« I .. go to the toilet »

« With all this stuff? »

« Yeah i ... ahmm.. »

« I see you go every night, where are you sleeping? »

« I... »

I sit on his bed

« Can you keep a secret »

« Sure »

« Jean make nightmare at night, because he is alone in his room. I sleep on the bed above him, so he can sleep better »

« oh.. »

« You want tell anyone promise, even Jean or he'll kill me »

« I promise »

« Thanks, good night Armin »

« Good night »

I finally arrive in Jean's room, like always he wait for me. But this time he didn't wearing a shirt, just his underwear.

« Don't look at me like that, it's fucking hot here »

He was right, i get off my shirt and we go to sleep like usual. When i wake up, Jean was looking at me, still next to me, laying. I don't know how or what but i find myself kissing him. My lips was on his. He jump back and hurt his head on the wall. It makes me some time to realize what i just do. I jump out the bed, take my stuff and run to my room. When i arrive in i close the door and sit down on the ground. Armin was looking at me.

« Eren are you ok? you're all red, what are you doing here? »

« I .. ahm... Jean and i just argue like always »

I smile at him. He wasn't really convinced but he smile back at me.

« Let's go eat so. »

« Yeah i'm coming »

No nothing happen again xD. I like to make you wait niahahaha. So i return to my writing, i want to know what's next . See you later.

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