Chapter 5

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Sorry it has taken me forever to update, I have finals coming up. Blehhh I'm trying to make the chapters longer also! So I hope you enjoy (:





*Harrys Pov*

The plane ride was silent... well I was silent.. the other boys and the girls of course were talking. I just couldn't get her off of my mind. It's like my mind 75% focused on her. I don't get it. Usually I don't look twice at the ordinary girl.. but she was different I just wanted to see her again.

"Harry.. Harry Guess what!!" Louis screeched as he very rudely awoke me from my unplanned nap. "What?" "Well for one thing we've landed so get your groggy but outta the plane.. and we have tickets for the coldplay concert tomorrow!"

"Woah; Louis that's amazing! How did you manage to get the tickets?" I couldn't believe he got the tickets.. they were sold out "Turns out Paul got them for us; He said It's his gift for us for behaving, and that we could use some fun" Behaving? Wow we should do that more often... woah what am I thinking lol behaving is boring.

Coldplay.. tomorrow night I still can't believe it, the rest of the group were jet lagged so they decided to go to the hotel and settle down, I decided to get some starbucks; I think a lot more clearly when I have coffee it's my 'thinking time' I guess, no one around..... except the screaming fans oh my gosh, as soon as they announced my name everyone looked and saw me. Well I couldn't stay there now, Luckily the hotel was right next store, so I didn't have to run far.

We stayed in a small area in Philadelphia, if you would take a wrong turn you'd end up in a bad neighborhood. That frightened me a bit. I decided to just sit in the lobby for awhile there were no girls around. I don't know why I didn't want to head up to my room; I guess I was just lonely; and I knew I'd end up falling asleep it was only 7pm I was not willing to sleep yet.

There was a girl over sitting at a table, she seemed lonely so I thought I'd go over. "Is this seat taken?" I say "N-no it's not... aren't you Harry Styles?" She said, her eyes getting bigger by the second. She was cute; had Blonde hair and freckles.

"Yeah I am.. but please don't make a big deal out of it, I've had a rough past day"

"Trust me I won't... but can I ask you a question?"


"Can you introduce me to Niall? I mean your great but I really wanna meet him"

"Uhm.. sure he might be sleeping... but if he's awake You can meet him. Follow me" That was odd.. usually the girls want to talk to me, or get a picture or something, no one has asked to meet another member; they're usually to busy fangirling.

*Knock Knock* "Niall, mate? You busy?"

"Nah man come on in"

"Hey this is.. oh shoot what is your name?"

"Oh.. sorry My name is Jodie"

"Well Niall this is Jodie, she wanted to meet you; is it okay if I leave her here with you so you guys can talk?" I could tell Niall was interested in her, he was getting all fidgety.

"Yeah go ahead we'll be fine, Here Jodie come sit down" Well he was eager to get rid of me.

After I left I figured I should just go to my room, watch some tv and sleep. And I did just that.

*Imogen POV*

"What? No way!! Your joking! 45 minutes? Well that's a short notice, don't be ridiculous I'll be ready!" Lucy just surprised me and told me that I'm going to a coldplay concert tomorrow night! I can't believe it! They only problem is that it's in the states so we have to catch a plane tonight. We're going to some state named Pennsylvania. Never been there I hope it's nice. Within 30 minutes I was all packed and ready. Lucy was already here so we headed to the airport, and boarded the plane. I don't know how she did it, but we were in first class. I've never been in first class. It was so cool.

By the time we got to the hotel it was 3 am, sleep was definitely on my agenda, I got to our room and passed out on my bed.  

Sorry this chapter is kinda crap. It was more of a filler because I felt bad for not updating.

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