2. Dates and pizza

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Meanwhile..... I ATE PIZZA! The pizza was yummy. After eating the pizza, I saw a really handsome and hot guy appear in front of me. He was so charming that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Ooooooh la laaaa!! ~ (PG 18+)

I was about to ask him out when he confessed that he was an alien!

He said he had been a demi god in his previous life but since he had an unhealthy obsession with coconuts, the gods cursed him with an ability to morph into a coconut at his first kiss. Only the kiss of his true love can break the curse.Then the golden drops of his true love's blood returned back to normal red.

Later , we went to the theatre and watched the formation of a Rainbow and saved princess Auroara from the roaring parents.

The roaring parents turned out to be aliens who came to destroy the magical land of unicorns.

( for the record, you can get pizza with cheese stuffed crust)

The unicorn king saw the mighty power of the simple pizza. He then killed the evil parents with the " EPIC PIZZA SLAP!!!!"

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