Chapter 4 - Chemistry

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It didn't take long for the principal to realise that I had thrown the first piece of food, and Michael had thrown the first bit that had hit another student. Jacob, somehow managed to get himself out of trouble, by saying that he threw food at me out of 'self defence'.

So now, Michael and I were seated next to each other across from a very scary looking Mr. George, both shooting each other death glares.

"This is your fault, fresh meat." he whispered angrily.

I rolled my eyes.  "Please, you were the one that hit that other student," I muttered back.

"Enough!" Mr. George exclaimed, looking frustrated. "You are both to blame."

Mr. George breathed out heavily, "You entirely destriyed the cafetaria. In all my years of teaching, I've never seen such a huge mess."

We both stayed silent, anxiously awaiting what his punishment would be.

"Now, I understand that you are both heavily involved in sport. Sophia, you enjoy track and Michael, you are on the basketball team," he said sternly.

We both nodded nervously. I was worried that he was going to ban me from competing in track.

"Right. Well, I think it's time for you to get involved in some other school activities," he said, looking between Michael and I.

I felt Michael tense up beside me. Why couldn't Mr. George just give us both a detention and get this over with?

"The school musical is coming up, and I think it would be beneficial for you two to get involved. We rarely ever have a full cast, but that's going to change this year. I want you both to star in it, whether you like it or not," said Mr. George, looking very proud with his suggestion.

"You have got to be kidding me," Michael exclaimed, looking furious. "There's a reason the musical is always such a failure."

"Um yeah, I don't think we'd help it at all, we might make it worse," I added, trying to steer Mr. George away from his suggestion.

Mr. George simply shook his head. "You're not getting out of this. This year, I want to have a really good musical production."

"This is so unfair," Michael muttered.

"Well, perhaps you should have thought before you act," Mr. George replied.

I sighed, of course the principal would say that.

"So you two can be excused, the first musical audition is this afternoon. I expect you both to be there," said the principal.

Michael stood up. "But I have basketball practice then," he said furiously.

"I'll tell coach to excuse you," Mr. George as he got up and walked to the door.

I took this as my cue to leave. I got up, leaving Michael standing in the office.

This is officially going to be the worst year ever.


"You are SO LUCKY," Emma exclaimed as I told her my punishment.

I raised my eyebrows, "Um, what are you on? This is horrible!"

She giggled. "No it's not. You are going to spend so much time with the hottest guy in school."

I sighed. "Firstly, ew, Michael is gross. And secondly, I spend enough time with him when he is constantly at my house."

"Well, nearly every teenage girl here would kill to be in your position," Emma replied with a knowing smile.

The rest of the day passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to head to the drama room.

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