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Goku rushed to the hospital on his flying Nimbus to where Chi-Chi was staying.

"Come on Nimbus!" cried Goku in a mix of anger and worry "She's in pain! We have to hurry!"

Over the past week, Chi-Chi had been having many odd complications with the growing fetus inside of her. Such as nausea, light-headedness, and immense pain. It had gotten to the point that Goku was taking her to the hospital so frequently, that they had decided to keep her there until further notice incase something went terribly wrong.

For the first few days of her hospitalized stay, everything was fine. No pain, no nausea, nothing. However, Goku's wife was getting a little pent up and aggravated from being stuck in a small compartment, surrounded by other sick patients and high tech machines. She would prefer being surrounded by nature as it could bring clarity and calmness to even the most vile of creatures.

So Goku had decided to take the Nimbus to their home and grab some appliances that he thought would make Chi-Chi a little less homesick, if only just.

He was half-way to there home when he felt it.

Chi-Chi's ki began to fluctuate. At first, the savior of earth thought nothing of it, as when she moved around, her ki would bobble up and down in sync. But he soon realized that her ki was fluctuating far to high and low for that to be possible. Going from virtually zero to double her normal ki. That's when he turned around and rushed back.

When he finally got to his wife's room, it looked like a scene that could only be described as chaos. Doctors and Nurses were doing everything from placing Chi-Chi on IV to giving her a blood transfusion.

"W-what's going on here?" he anxiously queried, befuddled at the sight before him "Is my wife ok?"

One of the nurses stopped what she was doing and hastily replied "While you were gone, your wife began to give birth, however there were some complexions and she is loosing a lot of blood"

Goku took a moment to absorb what was going on "W-will she be all right?'

Before she could answer, a hoarse, almost whisper-like voice was heard.


The man in question turned and faced the perpetrator of the voice, it was Chi-Chi.

"G-Goku..." she repeated "I-I'm g-going to d-die..."

Goku choked back a hoarse laugh "How could you die? There are so many doctor's here that senzu beans would fail in comparison!"

Chi-Chi weakly smiled at her husband, even in times of death he could always see hope "G-Goku... T-take c-care of o-our son... R-raise h-him to b-be a g-great w-warrior... B-but m-make sure t-that h-he u-under s-stands t-the w-world around h-him"

Goku then heard the screams of a new-born child, his child.

"I-I'm c-counting on you, G-Goku" Chi-Chi eyes closed "G-good b-bye..." And with that, her heart gave out and she passed on into the otherworld.

Goku stood there for a few minutes trying to contemplate what had just happened. He probably would have stood there for an eternity if someone wouldn't have disturbed him.

"Err, Mr. Son?" One of the Nurses finally tried to break the painful silence that had taken over "W-would you like to hold your son?"

Goku snapped out of his daze and turned around "Yes, please" he solemnly responded as the nurse gently placed him in his hands. But before anyone could say another word, Goku lifted up the window and jumped out with his son, leaving everyone in the room in a state of shock.

His Father's SonWhere stories live. Discover now