Spectral | Ghost!England x Ghostbuster!Reader

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It was a quiet day...for New York City, that is. The loud sounds of traffic jams rang throughout the air despite the decently late time of day, and the streets were still bustling with activity. After all, this is the City That Never Sleeps.

(Y/N) rubbed at her eyes halfheartedly, tired out from another day of "busting ghosts," as Alfred so eloquently puts it. She found herself watching her colleagues, each in varying states of exhaustion; Gilbert was drinking beer and proclaiming rather loudly how awesome he is. Alfred was passed out on the couch, a half eaten burger - which wouldn't remain half eaten for much longer - resting on his cheek. Feliciano was collapsed over the young American and was hanging off the back of the couch. Kiku seemed to be the only one with common sense, as he had already excused himself to go to bed about an hour ago. (Y/N) was straddling a chair with her chin resting on the back and her arms hung limply at her sides. Today was a trainwreck.

They had gotten a call from a frantic employee at some hotel, claiming to have witnessed paranormal activity. Of course, Kiku had to be the one to haul everyone out of bed at the crack of dawn to go and investigate. There was much protest from the others (and by others, I mostly mean Alfred and Feliciano), but the Japanese man quickly got them to agree to help by promising to buy them dinner later that night. Turns out, the employee was just trying to gain attention. The alleged ghost was really just a crappy projection. But they ended up having to stay the rest of the day anyway because the manager felt so bad he had insisted they stay for lunch and the band that was to play later that day. They hadn't been able to return to their beloved firehouse until sometime after ten.

It's a wonder Alfie didn't die of starvation, (Y/N) muses to herself as she listens to him snore softly. Sighing, (Y/N) stood up and stretched until her back gave a satisfying crack!

"I'm gonna hit the hay, Gil." she says as she passes the albino, briefly reaching out to ruffle his snow-like hair.

"Kesesese, vhatever, frau." Gilbert waves her away. "I've got zem, don't vorry."

(Y/N) jokingly salutes him on her way up the stairs, earning another obnoxious laugh from the self-acclaimed Prussian man. She sighed once more as she entered the sleeping quarters, which once occupied firemen and now were used by ghost-hunting experts. (Y/N) quickly changed out of her uniform and into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of flannel pants. Then, she crawled into her bed that was situated between Kiku's screened-in bed and Feliciano's messy one.

Finally, she thought. I can finally sleep in-

(Y/N)'s startled from her thoughts as their phone rings loudly.

"Peace," she mutters, listening to the sound of a loud grunt and the sound of feet pattering across the floor.

"I've got it!" Feliciano yells up the stairs, waking up Kiku in the process. He pulls back his screen and sits up.

"If onry he knew how to speak quietry." Kiku says mournfully and yawns. "We shourd go down there."

Nodding her agreement, the two stand up and make their way over to the firepole that Alfred had all but demanded that everyone use daily. Kiku let (Y/N) go first, ever the polite man he is. (Y/N) easily slides down, hooking her ankles together to keep from falling off during her descent. Once safely on the ground, she gives a thumbs up to Kiku. He hugs the pole close to his body and wraps his legs around it, slowly and ungracefully making his way down. He never did seem to get the hang of it after all these years.

"Si, we'll be there tomorrow, big brother Francis. Buonanotte!" Feliciano hung the phone up with a soft "Ve," escaping his lips.

"Dude, did we get another one?" Alfred asks as he stands up from the couch, his glasses strewn haphazardly on his face. When Feliciano nods, Alfred's face lights up and he fist pumps the air. "Hell yeah!"

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