Hide 'N' Seek | Russia x Reader

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 "Found you, Raivis!" Ivan announced from elsewhere in the house, which was promptly followed by the terrified screech of the Latvian teen.

"Mister Braginski, stop!" Raivis pleaded, but to no avail.

(Y/N) shivered as she listened to the screams come to an abrupt stop. "What do you think he's doing when he finds them, Nat?"

"I do not care, I just wish for big brother to hurry and find me." came Natalya's blunt response.

The Russian man had called (Y/N) over to his house earlier that day. He quickly insisted that (Y/N), his sisters, his Baltic assistants, and himself play Hide 'n' Seek. (Y/N) was currently hidden underneath Ivan's bed while Natalya was less-inconspicuously atop it. (Y/N) was beginning to grow anxious from the silence when it was once again interrupted.

"Ivan!" Yekaterina exclaimed and then shrieked from a room away from where (Y/N) and Natalya currently hid.

"I do not know what to do with you," Natalya began out of nowhere. "You make big brother happy, so I can't hurt you...but you might take big brother away from me some day, and I can't have that either. Do you see my problem?"

"Shh, he'll find us if you don't be quiet!" (Y/N) said as loudly as she dared.

(Y/N) felt the bed shift above her as Natalya's feet touched the ground. "You found me, big brother. Now you must marry me, marry me, marry me." she began to chant.

"N-no thank you, Natalya." Ivan said, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. A surprised squeak left (Y/N) as the bed skirt was lifted, revealing Ivan's face. He smiled before pulling (Y/N) out and proclaiming, "I found you, so now I must punish you." Without further warning, Ivan began to mercilessly tickle the girl.

She gasped and tried to push his strong hands away as laughter bubbled past her lips.

"Ivan!" she whined pitifully.

He grins triumphantly and stops. "Natalya, it's your turn to do the counting."

Natalya nods with a stern expression and leaves the room to begin counting. (Y/N)'s about to go to the laundry room, but Ivan tugs her back through the door. Seeing her eyebrow raised in question, he says, "You'd like to hide with me, da?"

"Sure." (Y/N) nods before allowing Ivan to lead her further into the room. He opens the closet door and motions for her to enter first. She obliges, surprised by how large the interior was. She seats herself in the corner as Ivan climbs in, shutting the door behind him so that only a thin beam of light shone in from underneath. Ivan has to crouch down in order to fit, so he ends up being awkwardly stooped over with (Y/N) seated between his knees, her face almost entirely pressed against his broad chest.

(Y/N) was thankful for the lack of lighting. Her face was taking on a bright red hue from being in such a compromising position with the man she likes.

"Am I crushing you?" he asks as he tries giving (Y/N) more space.

"N-no, I'm fine." (Y/N) stutters.

"Good. I don't want to hurt you, Sunflower."

A long silence ensues as (Y/N)'s face continues to heat up. She had liked Ivan upon meeting him. He had instantly stood out from the other Allies, and not just because of his large stature. Ivan exuded lots of power, but (Y/N) easily saw through that to find his softer side, and she'd been hopelessly in love with him since, yet he'd never shown any signs of returning the feeling. Natalya had almost immediately picked up on (Y/N)'s affections for her brother, so she did everything in her power to keep the two from getting close. (Y/N)'s eyes widened at the thought of Natalya finding her and Ivan like they currently were. She could only imagine the horrible things that'd be done to her. (Y/N) subconsciously began to pull away from the Russian man.

Noticing this, Ivan says, "I'm making you uncomfortable, da?"

(Y/N) quickly shakes her (h/c) head. "No, of course not."

Ivan smiles pleasantly. "That is good." he then pulled (Y/N) back to his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat and he smelled faintly of Vodka. (Y/N) sighed and buried her face further into the fabric of his infamous scarf. Ivan pats her head fondly and hummed the tune to some song (Y/N) didn't know.

"You're a good guy, Ivan." (Y/N) told him.

"What do you mean, Sunflower?"

(Y/N) leaned back to look up into Ivan's face. He stared back down at her with his beautiful violet eyes. His large nose appeared even more pronounced from the low lighting, but it only added to how adorable he looked.

"Everyone thinks you're scary, but you're such a softie."

Ivan furrowed his blond brows. "I am not 'softie,' I am strong."

(Y/N) grins. "That's not what I meant. What I was trying to say is that you're actually a really nice guy."

Ivan seems to ponder this before smiling again. "Spasibo, (Y/N). You are nice girl yourself. But I'm not so nice."

"What are you talking about, Ivan! You've always been kind to me."

"That's because you are special to me." Ivan says, grinning down at (Y/N).

(Y/N) frowns a little, but turns her head so that he doesn't see it. "Like Yekaterina and Natalya, right?"

Ivan shook his head. "No. You're a different special."

(Y/N)'s head shot up to look at him with wide eyes. Could he...? No, that's ridiculous, (Y/N) shook her head at her thoughts. Ivan merely meant that she was a good friend of his. She blushes at her accusations.

Ivan notices her face flush, but he assumes that it's because she was uncomfortable with what he said. "You do not like my feelings," he observes.

"It's not that. You're special to me, too."

"Oh. That is good, Sunflower. We do the kissing now, da?"

It was a wonder (Y/N)'s neck didn't snap as her head moved at an almost inhumane rate to gape at Ivan. "W-what?!"

Ivan took on an expression of embarrassment and began to blush himself as he explained. "Alfred said that if I wanted to beco- ask you out, I had to tell my feelings in a closet and then do the kissing. That is what you do, da?"

(Y/N) let out a sigh and resisted the urge to facepalm. She'd have to kill Alfred once she got this sorted out, and then send a thank you note to his grave.

"Ivan, if you wanted to go out with me, you could've asked instead of luring me into a closet. Here, I'll give you a chance to do it now." she leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms. When Ivan didn't make a move, she waved a hand at him. "Go on,"

"Will you go out with me?"


"Now do we do the kissing?"

(Y/N) grins and tugs gently at the ends of Ivan's scarf, urging him to lean in closer. "Yes, now we do the kissing,"

Ivan easily closed the distance remaining between the two and shyly kissed her, as if afraid he'd break her if he weren't careful. (Y/N) smiles into the kiss and attempts to wrap her arms around his shoulders, her elbows awkwardly bumping against the walls and door and accidentally giving their location away.

"Big brother, I found- you." Natalya hissed when she saw the scene before her. (Y/N) begins to pull away out of fear and embarrassment, but Ivan pulls her back against his chest.

"You find us later," Ivan said pointedly before shutting the closet door in Natalya's shocked face.  


I know, the title's sorta lame, but it's the best I could come up with.

I actually wrote this one based off a dream I had involving the adorably frightening Russian teddy bear. but it wasn't nearly as fluffy and happy.


da - yes
spasibo - thank you

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