Dare I Say | Norway x Reader *Songfic*

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Far from the place where I'm writing this song,

There is a girl to whom my heart belongs.

She doesn't know that I'm thinking of her,

But again, that's not the point.

Lukas was in the kitchen, helping Tino wash dishes. He wasn't really here to give the poor Finn a hand, though. (Y/N) was over right now, and he didn't want to see her. Emil practically banished Lukas from the room after warning everyone to not embarrass him in front of his new girlfriend.

Girlfriend. Lukas still had yet to get used to the idea of his little brother having a girlfriend, and (Y/N) of all people. Lukas loved (Y/N), not that he'd ever bothered mentioning it to anyone. The plate he's drying squeaks in protest as he puts too much pressure on it with the cloth in his hand, drawing the attention of Tino.

The Finnish man raises his eyebrows curiously, as if to ask if Lukas was alright. He sets one of his own dishes up into the open cupboards.

Lukas merely gave a quick nod of his head, dismissing Tino's concerns.

She makes me glad just by being alright,

Though I would wish that just for one night

She would come back and again we'd be friends;

Like those times where love never ends.

He can hear (Y/N)'s laughter out in the living room, no doubt brought on by something Emil had said, and yet he can't help but to smile. He remembers how he used to try and make flower crowns for her, but they'd always wilt and fall apart. She'd laugh and thank him anyways, appreciating his efforts.

He misses those days sometimes, where love was something saved exclusively to use on parents or to describe your favorite book. Perhaps you'd have a crush, but those were usually over within the course of a week. Not for Lukas, though. (Y/N) had him wrapped around her dainty little finger from day one, and he hadn't minded it one bit.

But now it hurt, and Lukas wished he could change how the cards fell.

Watching your picture I feel I'm with you

And your hand is flirting with mine.

Maybe it's pointless, but what can I do

Knowing you're one of a kind?

Honestly, I know I'll be fine.

Lukas took his now-dry dishes and began to put them away. His eyes gazing over the pictures lining the wall: one was of Berwald and Matthias in full Viking gear, another being of Hanatamago being held by the newly-adopted Peter. The one that caught Lukas' attention, though, was of Emil and (Y/N) from when they went to a school dance together two springs ago for their senior year.

If he closed his eyes, he could remember back to that day. Tino had insisted upon taking a picture of the couple, gushing over how adorable they looked, and how Emil was turning into a nice young man. Lukas had thought (Y/N) looked stunning in her dress, though he said nothing upon seeing Emil's protective hand resting on her waist. From what he heard, the two had a wonderful time, and before he knew it, they were dating.

Lukas sighs and closes the cabinet, resting his hands on the counter. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't jealous when he found out Emil asked (Y/N) out. Could anyone blame him, though? Lukas had been pining after (Y/N) for years, quietly loving her, only for Emil to take her away from him. He knew it wasn't fair to blame Emil, but he couldn't help it. (Y/N) just had that effect on him.

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