A/N | A Long Overdue Update!!

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First and foremost, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this author's note. I know it's likely not what you're here for, but I felt after nearly eight years of being MIA, y'all deserved a little explanation.

As you can tell, I took more than just a hiatus (oops). To be perfectly frank, I fell out of the fandom entirely and couldn't find the motivation nor the desire to continue writing one-shots based around it. Life got a little hectic and creative writing fell by the wayside, so this got pushed to the back burner time and time again until I could hardly remember where I left off. Not to mention I bit off wayyy more than I could chew by churning out fics as quickly as I did.

I have since moved on from the fandom and found new pieces of media to hyperfixate on. Funny enough, I am contemplating a return to writing fics, but I've decided to do so on a different platform. A fresh start!

However, I know how near and dear some people hold these one-shots and nothing hurts worse than when an author deletes a favorite fic. Sooo that brings me to the point of this author's note: I'm orphaning my account. I'll keep it up for the foreseeable future so that anyone can return to their favorite one-shot(s) and read it again, but I will not be publishing any updates going forward (unless I regress that hard lmao).

Anyhoo. That's all! Once again, thank you to everyone that has read my writing and has shown it love throughout the years. It really does mean the world to me that people enjoy my art so much!

Perhaps we'll cross paths again <3

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