My crush

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Ok guys I have a crush...☺️ he's a sophomore in my science class. (Ive always had a thing for older boys ok) and he's on my bus so when I saw him get on the first day I was like WOAH HOLD UP he's so damn cute to me. Ok he's in my science and all I do is stare at the back of his head OMF I'm so strange. I don't know how to start conversations with someone cute because boys I've dated were my friends before. SO FINALLY today we did labs and he's at my table!!!!1!!4 God did this, I love God. So yeah i was asking the girl next to him questions and he looked up at me and I was like YES STARE AT me but yeahhhhhh then I asked if there was a game tomorrow night and he was like a girls volleyball game. OLLFNM HIS VOICE BOITFEV. He's a crush remember! I don't know him personally to like him.


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