Nicki's Lecture -- An Interlude

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Later that day, after the party was over and everyone had gone home, Drake walked into he and Nicki's room slowly, looking around for her. He found her on their bed, deep into a book. He eased onto the bed and watched her for a little while. He had just gotten off the phone with his mother and she told him that she scheduled the date for him and Jessica for the next day at her favorite restaurant in New York.

Not even looking up from her book, Nicki sighed. "What did you do Aubrey?"

"How do you know I did anything?" he asked and she placed her book face down before giving him her full attention.

"Because you're sitting there watching me, looking guilty like you're waiting for me to yell at you for getting in trouble at school, so, what did you do?"

"My date with Jessica is tomorrow at seven. My mom just confirmed it." he informed her and she closed her eyes and released a deep breath, knowing that his mother had done it just to irk her.

"So it's really happening? Your charity dinner with Jessica is tomorrow." she corrected then picked her book up. "Thanks for letting me know."

"Baby you know if it were up to me, I wouldn't go." he said and she chuckled and ignored his comment.

"What's funny?" he asked and Nicki looked at him as if asking if he were serious.

Nicki kissed her teeth, closed her book and set it on the nightstand. "Drake you're a fully grown ass man. Don't ever tell me if it were up to you, you would do something differently. It is up to you so don't try to feed me that bullshit." Nicki didn't mean to come off so hostile but that one comment ruined her mood. She had been angry ever since her conversation she'd had with Sandi.

"Nicki that's not how things work around here and I don't expect you to understand that anytime soon. I don't wanna fight, I just wanted to let you know because I respect you enough to do that."

"Okay, well now I know." she answered shortly then reached over and turned her lamp off. She pulled the blankets back and buried herself under the blankets, signaling the end of their conversation. Sighing, Drake got up from the bed and left the room with a slam of the door.

He slept in the rocking chair in Naomi's room for the night, not wanting to sleep in either of the guest rooms and regretted it the next morning because the first thing he noticed was his sore back. When he woke up, he got dressed and headed out to his office before Nicki woke up. He was aware that it was Sunday but he had missed a few days and decided to catch up a little and give Nicki time to cool off. He put a note on the refrigerator explaining is whereabouts and left Naomi with a kiss on her forehead.

When Nicki woke up to Naomi crying, she turned off the baby monitor and looked around the bedroom then frowned, noticing the faint smell of Drake's cologne that had been sprayed hours ago. Sitting up, she ran her fingers through her hair before getting up to go get Naomi.

She took her time, changing her diaper, giving herself time to think. She knew she needed to call and make amends with him. There was always a better way for her to say things, to get her point across and she didn't want it to cause another break up between them, even if it were only for twenty-four hours like it had been the first time.

Walking downstairs with Naomi on her hip, Nicki decided to make her some oatmeal. She sat her in her high chair and gave her a few cheerios to hold her over until she made her food. That was when she noticed the note on the refrigerator.

At the office. I'll be back around four.

Don't call me, we need these few hours to

cool off and maybe we can sit and talk like

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