Chapter Seventeen

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"Thank you for coming." Sandi looked at Jim as she sat behind her desk. She removed her glasses and rubbed her temples. "I knew he was sleeping around but for him to be sleeping with her sister...I've never felt so disrespected in my entire life." Sandi said to herself and looked at Jim who was sitting in front of her desk. "And now he wants to divorce me? Me. If it weren't for me, the company would have been run straight into the ground!"

"What's the problem with divorce?" Jim asked as she paced her office. She paused, reached into her file cabinet and grabbed her cigarettes. She hardly ever smoked unless she was under intense stress.

"The problem with divorce is that I signed a prenuptial agreement. I was young and stupid at the time and thought nothing of it because he had no money then." She lit her cigarette and took a long pull, letting the nicotine instantly ease her nerves.

"Well you know there's another way around this."Jim stood and walked towards her. When he was standing in front of her, he placed his hands on her waist. "All you have to do is give me the word." he took one of his hands to her chin and lifted her eyes to his.

"Jim that was your past. I'm not going to ask you to do that." Sandi pushed his hand away.

"Oh so you don't care if I kill him, you're worried about my conscious?" Jim asked and she nodded before puffing her cigarette again. "Well baby, I have no conscious when it comes to anything but you. I'll handle it." he grabbed his jacket from the back of the seat he'd been sitting in and left her office as quickly as he'd came.


"Thank you for letting us stay here Laur." Nicki said as she stood in the kitchen. It was just after nine p.m and Nicki wanted nothing but the day to be over with. Of course she'd told Lauren everything and with her having a two bedroom apartment, she was the first person Nicki called.

Nicki had started to call her sister but she wanted to save the conversation for a later time. She knew in her heart Michaela was the common factor in all of the bullshit going on around her and she wanted to confront her at the right time.

"You know it's no problem babe." Lauren sipped her coffee, knowing she and Nicki would be up all night talking. "I don't even see how you can trust me after the shit you been through."

"I know I can 'cause you wouldn't have said that if you were up to anything." Nicki grabbed her glass of tea Lauren had made for her and took a sip. "I just...I still can't connect the pieces in my head. I can't even begin to understand why he would do that to me. He knows what I've been through and he-" Nicki could even finish her sentence before the tears started falling. She felt weak, lightheaded, like she was about to pass out. The stress on her was becoming too much. "I loved him so much Lauren. I knew I should have left when I had the chance. I was doing fine on my own. I gave him the very last piece of me and he let his family fuck that up."

"His family didn't fuck it up!" Lauren slammed her cup down. "He fucked it up. He is a grown ass, thirty-two year old BOY! He is responsible for that and nobody else because he let them do that to you. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's the truth and as your friend, I'm obligated to always be real with you Onika." Lauren grabbed her cup and they moved into the living room where she turned the TV on low.

"And she loves him. That's her daddy. What am I supposed to tell her when she asks for him?" Nicki asked, her eyes filling with tears again. "He may have been a piece of shit to me but he was everything to her, biological father or not, he loved her and she loved him. Now she doesn't have that in her life."

"Nic, I know this may sound crazy but listen to what you just said. He was shitty to you but great to her. Take a break, give him some time and maybe you two can set up arrangements so she can still have him in her life."

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