Chapter 2:Feel Better

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I was in a deep sleep until I heard Amani crying and felt her tossing and turning. I clapped on the lights and seen  that Amani's face was red and she look like she was in pain. I placed my hand on Amani's  forehead and felt that she was burning up. Even though Amani was still in a deep sleep, I needed to check her temperature to make sure that her fever wasn't high. 

"Amani baby, wake up for me please." i said while tapping her gently

"Mommy i don't feel good, my throat hurts and i really hot." Amani said hoarsely

"Aww my little ladybug." I said while picking her up "Lets go check your temperature."

Amani laid her head on my  shoulder as I walked in the bathroom to get the thermometer. Once i got the thermometer i sat her on the sink counter top and tried to place it in her mouth, but of course Amani being Amani, she wasn't going for it.

"Open your mouth Amani, i promise that this not going to hurt. I'm just going to see if you have a high fever." i said trying to convince her to open her mouth

She looked up at me and shook her head no and placed her hands over her mouth.  So i placed the thermometer in my mouth to show her that it wouldn't hurt her, once the thermometer beeped, i took it out of my mouth.

"See baby it's not going to hurt one bit i promise, it's going to be quick." I said

She finally gave in and opened her mouth. I place the thermometer under her tongue and told her to close her mouth. When the beep went off on the thermometer, i took it out of her mouth and read her temperature. Her temperature read   104° , i quickly picked her up and went to her room to put her on her bedroom slippers and wrapped her up in her blanket. We then walked back in my room so i can change into some leggings and t shirt. I grabbed my car keys, purse, and phone, then we walked out the house and got into the car. I put Amani in her booster seat, strapped her in and then i got into the car and pulled out the driveway. On our way to the hospital i kept glancing at her to make sure she was okay and she laid her head on the seat, snuggling up to her blanket.

Author's P.O.V:

Once Nicki and Amani finally got to the hospital, Nicki went to the front desk and told them what was wrong.  The nurse then gave Nicki some papers to fill out and then directed Nicki and Amani to the waiting room. Nicki was at a private hospital so she wouldn't have to worry about paparazzi. After she finished filling out the paperwork, the nurse came to get the paperwork from Nicki and told her the doctor would be with them patiently. Nicki then decided to call Meek and inform him on what's going, on the third ring he answered.


"Hello, baby what are you doing up this late? I thought you were sleep?" Meek said tiredly

"I was baby, but i had to come to the hospital with Amani. She has a very high fever and she said that her throat hurts." I said

Meek jumped up out of the bed as Nicki was telling him this and start getting dressed.

"What's her temperature?" Meek said sounding alarmed while throwing his clothes in his bag

"It's 104° , baby calm down she's going to be okay. I know you're getting dressed, you don't have to come she'll be fine baby." I said

When it comes down to Me, Amani, or Papi, Meek didn't play at all. So whatever it took for him to be there for them, that's what he's going to do.

" It's too late i'm about to call Pmon and tell him to get a flight ready.  But first let me talk to my princess." Meek said

I said okay and gave Amani the phone.

"Hi daddy." Amani said hoarsely

"Hey princess, i heard you not feeling to good." Meek said

"Yes daddy, my throat hurts really bad and i kinda hot. Can you and wubba come home?" Amani asked

"The doctor going to make you feel a lot better and i'm going to be home as soon as you and mommy wake up." Meek said

"But what about wubba daddy. He gonna come too?" Amani said sadly

"I don't know baby girl, but i'll have a surprise for you." Meek said

"Okay, i love you daddy." Amani said

"I love you to princess, now no more talking until your voice comes all the way back." Meek said

"Okay daddy no more talking, got it." Amani said and the handed the phone back to Nicki

Soon as I got the phone back, the nurse called us to come to the back.  "Baby the nurse just called us to the back, I'll keep you inform. Have safe travels I love you." I said into the phone

"Okay keep me informed yall will probably be sleep by the time i get there and i love you more." Meek said

I hung up the phone and placed it in my purse. Amani and I  followed the nurse into the room and patiently waited for the doctor to come in. I picked  Amani up and placed her on the examination table and she just laid down and snuggled up to her blanket. I kissed her forehead and went to sit in the chair right beside her. This killed me to see my little mini me not feeling good.

Author's P.O.V:

The doctor finally walked in and Nicki was on her phone scrolling on Instagram.

"Hello, how are you doing today? I'm Dr.Jackie, nice to meet you." she said while shaking Nicki's hand

"Hi Dr.Jackie, I'm doing well how about yourself?" Nicki said in return

"I'm doing pretty good. What seems to be the problem today?" Dr.Jackie asked

Nicki got up and walked to where Amani was laying and placed Amani on her lap.

"Well, my daughter Amani has a high fever and she says that her throat hurts very bad." Nicki said

"What was her temperature when you last checked?" Dr.Jackie asked

"It was 104°F the last time i checked." Nicki said to Dr.Jackie

Dr Jackie then grabbed her stethoscope and checked Amani's heart beat. Then she checked her temperature again and it went down to 101 °. After she checked her temperature she looked in Amani's mouth and seen that her tonsils were swollen and very red.

"Well it seems like Ms .Amani here has strep throat." Dr.Jackie said to Nicki

"How long will this last?" Nicki asked concerned

"It should last 1 to 3 days if she takes her medicine when she suppose to  and if it last longer then that, bring her back immediately." Dr.Jackie said

Nicki simply nodded her said and said okay. Dr.Jackie then wrote out the medicine that she will prescribe for Amani to take. Dr.Jackie told Nicki that she will be able to get all of Amani's medicine first thing in the morning, but for now just giver her children Tylenol to get her fever down.  Nicki already had some of that home. Which was a good thing because she can just go straight home. Nicki said her thank you's to Dr.Jackie and they finally was headed home. Once they got home, Nicki gave Amani some medicine and then they both got into Nicki's bed.

Nick then sent Meek a text ,"Hey baby the doctor said that Amani has strep throat and it will last for three days. I gave her some medicine to break her fever until i can go get the medicine the doctor prescribed her to take. See you tomorrow, i love you and have safe travels.😘❤️After Nicki sent the text to Meek, she placed her phone on her night stand  and went to sleep with Amani laying on her chest asleep.

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