Chapter 3

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Trent went super pale at my comment. I could see the color drain from his face almost immediately. He looked me in the eyes and whispered "I see dead people." Slowly his face returned to it's normal deep tan color. Which made the whole situation worse. How was I supposed to figure out how to kill him when I couldn’t even make him afraid of me?

    "Yeah. Well okay. It wasn't nice to meet you." I hadn't realized how ready I was to take care of this guy until that moment, when he tried to make fun of me.
“If you don’t mind I’d like to be alone,” I said piercingly as my thoughts swirled around my head. I was finally able to start to walk away but was stopped by a memory I couldn’t remember ever having before.

    I was just barely tall enough to not be considered an elementary school student. All the other girls were tall, beautiful, and put together. I was short, small, and sloppily dressed. The girls with their new cell phones started taking pictures of me and told me that if I didn't cooperate I would regret it. I stared at the blue and white checkered tiles of the bathroom floor. Believing everything they were telling me. A strange thought occurred to me. I don't have to be afraid of them. I looked at them and told them they would be the ones full of regret. Of course they didn't believe me, but they would.

I was in shock from the memory so I couldn't kill him right then, on the street, in broad daylight.

    "I'll see you some other time?"

    "Not likely."

    I walked off and I could tell he hadn't moved from that spot. His eyes bore holes into my back.

    "I'll buy you a coffee!" He called after me. But my reply was swept away by the wind.

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