My Heaven On Earth - Preface

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Death. Doesn't that word just terrifies you? Maybe to some, it doesn't. I've always thought that the reason why we're so afraid of dying is because of the uncertainties involved. Where will we go? What will happen to our physical body? Will we still remember the things we've been through here on earth? Will we still be able to be with our loved ones when we go whereever we'll go? Will we be punished for the things we've done wrong? Or even scarier, will we just disappear? Gone like the wind? 

Personally, I'm no different. Life is hard and there's no point in denying that. It's during the tough times that it becomes so easy to think that death could be the solution to all our problems. Yet, when you stop and think about it for a minute, you get terrified. All the things you have here on earth and you've known your entire life - things as trivial as gummy bear, chewing gum and your teddy that you learnt to love after sleeping with it every night, or as crucial as food, (debatably) music, TV, clothes and...even more so, friends, family - will remain on earth and gradually decompose. My dad allways tells me that nothing last forever. People die, memories fade, animals will extinct and planets will disappear. But I disagree. I believe in faith, hope

After all, "Love is the closes thing we have to magic." 

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