4) Guess what this ends with...correct, more mentions of emails

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Frank turned the collar of his jacket upwards because he had certainly not prepared for the wind, he had spent too much time in front of his bathroom mirror and it was not paying off in the slightest.

Although really,he could admit he looked good, he was borderline frozen but he would deal with that.

He could deal with his weather dilemma by going into the coffee shop but he was waiting for Gerard before going in.

He didn't think he was going to be stood up but Gerard's flighty qualities might mean he was late, very late.

Frank wouldn't put up with the embarrassment.

But the slow moving mess of dyed red hair, the only thing visible over the heads of those wandering a fairly crowded street, indicated that Gerard wasn't going to be late.

Soon the body connected to the endearing hair was in view, and Gerard waved,

"Hey Frankie!" He said, and Frank's chest swelled with a little bit of private joy, because nothing compared to the butterflies Gerard brought.

"Hi Gee!"

"Gee...ugh, it sounds even better when you say it out loud. It was beautiful so see you write it but I almost forget how lovely your voice was."

At the shocking compliment on his voice Frank seemed to lose it. Or at least loose the simple mannerism of thanking Gerard, he couldn't even stutter in response.

He assumed his flushed cheeks would give off an impression of being utterly flattered.

"Should we head inside? I'm dying for a latte." Gerard said, noting Frank's reaction to his complement.

"Of course, I'd love to."

"Great. Come on Frankie." Gerard took Frank's hand and Frank was surprised he didn't die but actually squeezed it, trying to be affectionate.

Because Frank would do anything to be affectionate with Gerard, he couldn't escape the thoughts of kissing Gerard. 

Not that he wanted to. Those thoughts were pleasing, sometimes in more ways than one.

Once they were seated in a booth Gerard spoke again, leaning across the table towards Frank;
"What do you want Frankie? I'll pay."

"Really? You don't have to, I can pay for both of us."

"Actually, it'll be Mikey paying for both of us because I've taken his wallet..."

"Okay...if you're sure."

"It's okay Frankie."

Frank decided that being called Frankie spurred this reckless sentence,

"Well I'll pay for our next date."

Surprisingly Gerard didn't take too long to respond.

He was very odd. His personality sat at both ends of the spectrum, he was either vague and ditsy or forward and sassy.

His response was a sassy one:

"Really? This is a date? I would have brought you some flowers if you were more precise."

"This is a date. I'm going to be precise now."

"Okay. Should we head to a florist after our coffees?"

"That's sounds great."

"You know what sounds great? A large latte. Want one?"

Frank nodded as Gerard went up to order their coffees, and Frank could help but admire the way Gerard's jeans hugged him.


Frank had a bunch of daffodils in his arms when they left the florist.

"Gee, thank you."

"My treat Frankie, my treat."

Frank just looked down at the flowers, and Gerard spoke again.

"Daffodils were a great choice. I think the yellow's in perfect context because I feel rather yellow inside, don't you?"

"You really are an artist." Frank said, staring up a Gerard like he was everything in the world.

"I feel like if you'd rip open my chest, it would pour out with yellow light. I'm just so happy right now, it's really your influence I think, eh Frankie?"

Frank understood that sentence so much.
He wouldn't have articulated it so well though, he would have said 'I feel very gushy because Gerard Way is so handsome and I think he is amazingly talented and all his little quirks are really indescribable'

However Gerard might take that weirdly so Frank had to nod and blush, something he was ashamed to say he might be making a habit of.

"Oh Frankie...." Gerard sighed, slumping into a bench and patting the spot next to him.

Frank sat next to him and was very happy when Gerard's arm slipped around his waist and pulled him close. So happy that he forgot his conscious and leaned into Gerard's chest.

They talked for a bit, conversation between Frank and Gerard flowed so easily Frank wondered how he had ever been able to communicate with anyone else before.

Frank was slowly idolising Gerard and idolising the relationship he wanted to have with Gerard.


Frank waved Gerard goodbye at his car.

As Gerard pulled out of his parking spot and started to drive off he strongly regretted not taking Frank with him but he doubted Mikey would be please if Gerard left with his wallet and returned with Frank.

So he gave up his romances from his brother.

Mikey wasn't doing the same, much to Gerard's annoyance. Pete was at their house 24/7 and it was just a serious of making out and fu.cking with date breaks. It was unbearable sometimes, but Gerard liked them as a couple more than he liked them as individuals: Mikey was too grumpy and Pete was too happy. They made a nice mix.

Gerard hated overthinking these things, he preferred it when he found himself in ditzy dreaming phases but unfortunately as soon as he became conscious that he was enjoying himself he all of a sudden just...wasn't.

That hadn't happened today though, he had the best time with Frank. Frank was so gorgeous and he was shy and he didn't shun Gerard, or any of Gerard's obscure theories on paints or politics.

Think of Frank made Gerard regret another thing- not getting his phone number, he wished he had because interact over email gave Gerard horrible stomachaches over his own cringe-worthy past.

But he has to email Frank because he didn't, for once, want to leave this to chance.

I love this chapter please help
-M x

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