chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

Once blackstar tried to hurt kid...I snapped. No! They can't see my true form. It's too late.

Hannah / Jade's POV

"NO!" I sprung up from reading my book. Toby and Kris looked at me with concerned expressions. "Kris.....She's awoken." Everyone's eyes widened.

"FATHER!" Everyone else got in a line while Kris and I looked up at our father, slenderman. "I sensed it as well my child. Kris, Hannah, and jeff. Come with me to death city."

"Yes father." I spun around and a battle axe with a green gem appeared. Kris snapped her fingers and a scythe with a sapphire gem appeared in her hands. "Hannah." I turned and saw Toby. "B-be careful. O-ok?" I kissed his cheek. "I'll be ok. Love ya tobster."

I gave his hand a squeeze and let go. I walked towards my father and we teleported to death city. I can't wait to see our cousin maka!

Another cliffhanger!

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