Chapter 1

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15 Days Before
I woke up, momentarily freaking out before realizing it was Sunday. I relaxed a little bit once the realization struck me, but I was still a little upset that I had missed out on a big part of the morning. It was already 10:09, and by the time I showered and ate it would probably be afternoon. Down the hall, I could hear Autumn's music coming through her phones speaker loudly. I wish she would stop doing that so early, and maybe it wouldn't be that bad if it weren't the same song every time. The lyrics, "I'm a kitchen sink,
You don't know what that means
Because a kitchen sink to you
Is not a kitchen sink to me, OK friend?" , are basically imprinted into my mind at this point, but I guess it could be worse. It's just that Autumn never really had the best taste in music. Anyways, I get out of bed and grab some clothes for the shower. On the way to the bathroom Mom stops me and tells me her and Autumn are going to the store to pick up a few things. This relieves me because it means I will not have to sit through another hour of "Kitchen Sink" by Twenty One Pilots.
 I get in the shower and take my time, knowing that no one will be rushing me to go anywhere since they're all gone.

After about thirty to forty minutes in, I hear a knock on the front door, bringing my luxurious shower time to an end. I yelled "Coming!" after first turning off the shower water, continuing on to throw on some clothes before answering the front door. I was met by a guy not too much older than myself with blonde hair and what looked like a squirrel above his lip. I watched as his eyes scanned over me quickly, possibly checking me out. Unfortunately for this guy, I don't exactly appreciate the art of mail delivery, so he's out of luck this time. "Good Mor- I mean Good Afternoon M'am. I have a package here forrr.." he scrambled to look for the package's I.D before finally finishing, "Autumn?".  I nodded my head, "You're in luck. She lives here." I said,  gesturing to the hallway behind me." He smiled, showing all five of his teeth before handing me a small white slip of paper, "Mind signing for her?" he asked, digging a pen out from his back pocket and handing it over. I nodded, signing my name quickly and sloppily before giving it all back. He handed me the package in exchange and tilted his blue postal hat before heading back to his van. I sighed, happy the conversation was over and shut the front door, locking it just in case. That guy was sketchy at his best. I looked down at the large box I held in my hands and scanned over the details. My best guess was Autumn had ordered something online and hadn't told any of us about it, so I carried the box to her room and sat it on her bed; not really bothering to see it's contents. 

I figured I had about two hours before mom and Autumn got back from the store, so I took my chance to get out of the house while they were still gone. I grabbed my keys off of my dresser and texted a few of my friends to meet me at Mark's, a small restaurant where the lot of us usually hung out on weekends like this. I walked outside to my blue Ford Focus that Mom had got me last year for my 16th birthday, and climbed in. What the actual hell. The backseat of my car was completely trashed, and in the midst of it all guess who was the ONLY one who ever rode backseat with me.                                  That's right. Autumn. I groaned, opening my glove compartment and grabbing a few plastic bags before shoving all of Autumn's shit into it. Luckily, there was a dumpster on the way to town, that way I wouldn't have to drive with all of Autumn's waste thrown all over my car. I started the car and began the short 10-minute drive that it took to get from my house to Mark's. Through my windshield, I could see the grass beginning to grow itself back after a harsh winter. It was Spring now, so many of the people in Hayden, Tennessee would be starting off their gardens soon. I probably would be too if I actually had time between school and work. I reached the dumpster area, taking a few seconds to throw out the trash, after the deed was done, I got back in the car feeling a bit accomplished, having had that taken care of. Hope Autumn didn't need any of that. 

I reached Mark's, where I found all of my other friend's cars (much nicer than mine if I may add) parked. I grabbed my purse out the passenger seat before heading inside. I was greeted by a few of my friends, Diana and her boyfriend Justice,  Alex,  Haven, and best of all, Louis. I took a seat at the table they were located at and listened in, Diana was talking about some concert she had been to last week, while everyone else was only slightly tuned in as they ate. "Who'd you go see?" I asked, attempting to lighten up the conversation a bit. Diana's dark skin glowed a bit as she smiled up at me, "Oh, Summer, It's this Indie band. You totally wouldn't know them." . Typical.  Diana, with her dark skin and Boho fashion, was the strangest of the group. She switched up her personality almost every week, as well as her boyfriends.

 Well, usually. She and Justice had been together for two months, making him her longest lasting boyfriend yet. I think she really likes the guy, and I did too. Justice had been through a few things, starting off with being born biologically a girl. He had started his transition at age eight, even though both of his parents hadn't liked it at first; they had supported him every step of the way. That wasn't to say that everyone at school was supportive though. He faced a lot of insults in middle school and elementary alike, but he's okay now, and that's what matters. 

Alex was the funniest of us all, and probably the prettiest too. At least to me. People always think we're sisters because we look alike and behave the same. With matching brown hair and even darker brown eyes, we were a match. Having grown up with her, she and I were the closest. 

Haven was a bit newer to the school, so I didn't know her as well as I know the others. I knew she was nice, and I knew she and Autumn were in the same grade, so that counted for something. She was also Louis's younger sibling. Him being a senior and her being a Freshman, the two were only a little bit further apart than me and Autumn. I liked Louis. We had hung out at parties a few times, but still didn't know each other too well. I hoped that would change soon. 

My phone's vibration knocked me back out of my thoughts, and I looked down to see a message from mom, telling me she was home and asking where I was. 

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