Chapter 30.

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The dark uneven cobbled street was wet from the previous night's shower. Every step was a slippery hazard. The red brick walls of the two up two downs were ingrained with decades of smoke and grime. Years of oozing chimney stacks from the numerous surrounding factories had covered the town in an even coat of black soot. In total it gave the town of Borden a sickly ashen pall.

Walter held onto the reins of the skinny, malnourished horse as it pulled the mortuary's wagon along through the shadows of the early evening streets. He only needed to guide it around corners, other than that he left the animal to its own devices. He knew the nag would pull them in a straight line, not deviating until told to do so or at its last, dropping down dead- which from the state of it wouldn't be long.

The angry sky brooded threateningly. Worse weather promised to arrive shortly. A flurry of raindrops splashed down in warning. The half-starved horse made its way along the High street and in a little under a mile would take a left into Hospital Approach. They would clatter over the cobblestones past the infirmary and by the front of the mortuary's large ornate facade where earlier Henry had exited, and gloated in the rain. There Walter would guide the nag around to the rear of the building and up to the hidden delivery entrance. Pete, a little chilly, pulled up his collar and buried his chin down into the warmth of the many folds of his neck. He could smell the coming storm on the cold breeze, which had started to blow even colder. Walter looped his scarf once more around his head and gave Pete a sideways glance.

'Your mother's a handsome woman,' Walter smirked as he spoke, 'kind as well. Gave me a meat pie, she did.'

The mischievous grin grew on Walter's face. He watched Pete's reaction to his leading comments. Pete growled and grumbled without out saying a word. He decided that he wouldn't rise to the usual ribbing. Walter's smile broadened, and he thought, I must try harder.

'Yes, very kind hearted your mother. She even put an ivy leaf made out of pastry on top. Nice touch that. Meat and tatties I think, Mmmm, very kind indeed.'

Pete corrected him'Blackbird'

'What's that?' Walter asked, pretending not to hear, as he guided the horse onto Hospital Approach.

Peter knew he was being dragged into the conversation at his own expense, but couldn't help correcting Walter about his mother's cooking skills. Everything about food and his mother was extremely important to him.

Pete continued'I said, not an ivy leaf, it's a blackbird on top of the pie. Mum's a good cook, but she's no artist. They're always blackbirds. Doesn't matter what's in the pie. She's a firm believer that blackbirds may never be in her pies, but should always be on top.'

Tucking his chin back down, rain peppering his face, Pete decided the conversation was over. Walter hadn't agreed to this and continued his ribbing.

'Well whatever it is, it'll be tasty I'm sure. Just like your mother. Handsome woman like her shouldn't be all alone in the world, not right that. I may pop back later and show her my appreciation, for the pie that is.'

Walter glanced sideways again and could see that Pete was almost at boiling point, about ready to explode. Walter was impressed at how well Pete was doing, holding on to his temper like that, and decided to let him be, the boy had earned it. Then he thought, well, just one more, then I'll let him be.

'Thinking about it, makes me want to sink my teeth into your mother's.............pie!'

He paused just long enough for Peter to conjure up images of Walter doing things he shouldn't with his mother. Pete landed a fist on Walter's ear, and shouted at his tormentor.


Walter screamed in surprise as the punch rattled his head. It hadn't been that hard, and the pain in his ear had quickly turned into a numb, muffled ache. Biting back the urge to smack Pete back, Walter rubbed his ear and began to laugh.

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