I'm a Pokemon !

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She was in the world of pokemon and not only that but was one of her favorite fire types, Vulpix. How am I a pokemon and where am I exactly ? While it was something she had always dreamed of, well she wanted to be a trainer.

I'm a wild pokemon as well, she added to herself. Well it could be worse, I could have been a Muk or a Raticate. She shuddered at the thought of being stinky slime or being a large wild mouse with giant teeth.

Her ears perked as she heard voices. Poking her head out she saw Ash Ketchum, Brock, Dawn and Paul. It seemed the younger trainers were having some kind of argument. "What's that pokemon ?" Dawn's voice asked. Jumping up her fur bristled as she saw Dawn pull out her Pokedex.

"Vulpix the Fox pokemon. It's six tails are extremely beautiful and can be as hot as a fiery blaze. As it evolves it grows more tails. Vulpix uses powerful flame attacks like Fire Spin."

Putting her Pokedex away Dawn said,"Sounds like a great contest pokemon and it's a great match for you Piplup. Use Bubble Beam !" Not going to happen, She thought as she opened her mouth to use Flamethrower. As the flame evaporated the water she charged at the penguin-like pokemon and used Bite.

She stayed on even through the pokemon ran and struggled. Near the end now her victim began to weaken then did she use Flamethrower. It was a direct K.O. Jumping off the barbecued pokemon she smirked. "Okay now it's our turn !" Ash yelled. Pikachu was fired up along with his trainer.

Another type disadvantage. Since she was fighting a male pokemon she used Attract. Winking a large pink heart hit the electric type and became her love slave. No longer willing to hurt her she used Dig to tunnel down. The move was effective since Pikachu went down. "Well I already have a Vulpix back home," She heard Brock say.

"Elekid use Thunder Shock !" Paul ordered. Dodging the attack she retreated underground again. What other moves can I use that could be effective ? Thinking about all the moves she remembered a old favorite.

From behind she jumped out and used Confusion Ray. Once hit she could safely say it was successful considering that confused look Elekid had. Rushing forward she used Quick Attack and K.O. Elekid. "If you think I'm just going to let you beat me think again !" She cried at Paul. Feeling a little tired she headed back into the woods.

From behind something hit her and there was a flash of red. She was in a Poke Ball and by judging how luxurious it was a Luxury Ball. There's no way those three would know where to buy one so it must have been Paul.

Great, she sweat dropped. Paul's style was not something she approved on at all. "Vulpix Standby for battle !" She heard. In a flash of red she appeared sitting. Glaring at Paul she began to yell at him as the jerk checked out her moves. After ignoring her she used Roar startling everyone.

"Vulpix really does not seem to like Paul at all," Brock remarked.

I've Been Turned into a Pokemon !Where stories live. Discover now