Shapes of Things to Come

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Once Paul reached the Pokémon Center did he let her out. Stretching she looked around to see nothing different. They would probably be here until Roark came back to battle them. "He's probably mining for coal since Oreburgh is rich in it," She commented.

Paul glanced over at her but did not reply. Sometimes she was sure he understood her. By the time they heard news that the Gym Leader was back Paul had her return.

Roark brought out a Geodude and Paul brought out her friend Azumarill.  She was rather found of the Aquatic Rabbit pokemon. "Azurill use Hydro Pump !" Roark ordered his pokemon to use Hidden Power.

   It beat back not only the Hydro Pump but also Azumarill. Amazing since Paul was using a water type pokemon. Geodude was not done as it charged using Roll Out. "Not good !" Roll Out would get stronger and stronger at ever hit.

   "Use Water Gun !" Paul ordered. However Roark's style was not letting up the pressure, Azumarill was not given enough time to attack. "Man that Geodude is fast !" She commented. She had a feeling this battle would not be won so easily even with a type advantage.

After two more quick hits Azumarill was unable to battle. Paul was not happy also at this bit of news. "Let me battle !" She chimed in.

"Good for nothing," Paul commented as Azumarill returned. "Hey ! I'd like to see you battle yourself !" She yelled feeling once again mad at Paul.

Paul then brought out Elekid, a favorite of Paul's it seemed. "Are you even thinking !" She yelled as she let herself out. "Brick break !" Paul growled.

  Geodude used Roll Out only to be knocked out by the fighting type move. "You let yourself out again ?" Paul growled. Glaring he took out the Luxury Ball and ordered her to return.

Onix was brought out next. "Whatever," She sulked as she turned her back on the battle. Elekid was just like Paul, like she'd cheer a bunch of jerks on. Really the only pokemon on his team she actually got along well was Chimchar and Azumarill.

  She could still hear the battle. Elekid was obviously at a huge disadvantage since this Onix had already gone through some difficult battles. Of course Paul got mad at Elekid when the pokemon began to struggle.

Once she heard Roark order Stealth Rock did she yell, "I'm not going to battle !" Stealth Rock would hurt her if she appeared in battle once Elekid was switched out.

After Onix made contact and was affected did Paul switch out his pokemon for Chimchar.  The stones began to glow as Chimchar appeared, fresh and ready to battle. The stones lunged and crushed Chimchar, tiring it out.

   Already the poor little fire type was weakened. Chimchar used Dig and managed to make that large pokemon jump. With another Dig Chimchar won this battle.

Chimchar really seemed to be losing against the Gym Leader, Roark's Cranidos until it flared up. "I've been waiting for this," Paul commented. "Waiting for what ?!" Ash questioned.

I wish I could be battling right now, she sulked in her Poke Ball.

As Cranidos used Zen Headbutt Chimchar used Flamewheel. Twice used the move damged the enemy pokemon's legs. After that Chimchar used Dig.

However after a Headbutt Chimchar fainted. "My turn !"

"Chimchar, I'll deal with you later," Paul promised. Not good at all, She thought glumly at that grim promise. "Vulpix, standby for battle !"

Jumping out she was blindsided by Stealth Rock. Feeling angry now she tuned out Paul and used Flamethrower, engulfing the enemy pokemon in fire. "Flamethrower !" Roark ordered. Surprised she got hit by the attack.

  Vaguely she could hear Paul growly something at her. Using Dig she hid underground to attack Cranidos's legs. Hopping out she easily avoided another Headbutt. It seemed the leg injuries were affective since Cranidos had slowed down.

As Paul began to order her to use Quick Attack, she ignored him. Paul just used attack styles that suited for the moment, not thinking of moves or types when strategy. Roark even commented on that.

     "Your pokemon doesn't trust you at all Paul ! It seems your Vulpix has decided to battle on it's own !" Roark commented. She could feel the Gym Leader's disgust over Paul's carelessness over his pokemon.

Using Quick Attack she lunged at the enemy pokemon's legs before a up close and personal Flamethrower.

   She felt so tired as she moved away. Panting she watched as Cranidos fainted. She felt so tired and beat up that she stumbled to stay up. "Okay, return," Paul replied.

"I'm no pawn," She sighed before blacking out.

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