Sinnoh Live

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"Those two are horribly out of sync," She commented as Ash's Turtwig dodged that fire attack only to run into Piplup who just stood there. "What did you do to my Piplup !?" Dawn rage at Ash. Those two are their own worse enemies, fighting during a battle and on Nation TV, Complete idiots.

  As she watched on, Piplip who got up only to fall on Turtwig. Clumsy much ? "Looks to me Piplup needs dancing lessons or two !" Ash retorted to Dawn who had her mouth open wide. "Turtwig is the pokemon with two left feet !" Dawn retorted.

    "Piplup, Use Bubble Beam right now !" However it hit Turtwig from behind. More arguing, before Turtwig was ordered to use Tackle. Which Piplup received.  

  Then Jessie dressed as a Cowgirl got in front of the camera only to be shoved away. Turtwig was about to use Razor Leaf only to be yanked away by Piplup to use Bubble Beam. Too occupied the two got hit by Swift.

   Added with a Slash by that Croconaw. They just stayed down only to be hit by a well executed Flame Thrower and Hydro Pump. Both Ash and Dawn's pokemon were sent flying far into the trees.

  "And victory goes for the Champ Twins !" She announced as Drew silently watched on.  "17 victories in a row !" One of the twins cheered. "Yeah !" The other agreed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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