Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of birds, but it held no comfort. I debated acting like it might actually still be a dream, but after being so disappointed the day before; I decided to take the situation for what it was. I opened my eyes and immediately covered them, the bright sunlight beginning to hurt. I sat up and leaned against the tree next to me, looking back at the surroundings. The sound of cars was close, and we had stopped on the outskirts of Sandersville before I passed out.

I put a hand to my stomach, feeling an intense pain from the emptiness. I looked around and noticed Jeff wasn't anywhere to be seen. I immediately got out my wallet and checked it for cash, which was still in there. He definitely wouldn't have left without it, so I had no clue where he would have gone. Did he get in trouble somehow? Was there a possibility that he really did leave without the money?

"Look who finally decided to get up," I heard Jeff say. I looked behind the tree and didn't see anyone, so I thought maybe I had imagined it. When I turned back around, he was crouching in front of me, his hood over his head, casting dark shadows on his face.

I jumped, "Whoa! You scared the hell out of me!"

Jeff smirked, "Yeah, I have that effect on people." He took a hand out of his pocket and offered me a six-inch sub and bottle of water. I stared at it, confused. "I left to get lunch. Take it." My stomach growled at the sight of it, and I took them gingerly, barley thinking about what could possibly be in them. At the very least, the seal on the water hadn't been broken.

I began to unwrap the sandwich when I gasped, "You left me by myself in the woods while I was sleeping!"

He sat next to me and rolled his eyes, "It wasn't like you were going to get mauled by a bear. I was gone for, like, half an hour, tops. Besides, I couldn't wait any longer to eat, and I knew you were exhausted, so I didn't want to wake you." He took another sandwich out of his pocket and unwrapped.

"I.... Alright. Thanks for... this," I motioned to the food in my hand.

"No problem," he responded, taking a bite.

I asked, "How long did I sleep? What time is it?"

He shrugged, his mouth full, "I don't know what time we got here, but it's about three in the afternoon now. We better eat fast. We have to get to the library before it closes, and I have no clue when that is."

"Okay," I said, finally taking a bit of the sandwich. I chewed it slowly and swallowed it, pursing my lips. "Jeff, where did you get this from?"


"It tastes funny."

"Well, there was a Subway right at the edge of town, so I got them from the dumpster behind it," he admitted, taking another bite. I looked at the sandwich and dropped it in my lap, grabbing the water.

"That is sick!" I shouted before chugging the water down.

Charity Case (Creepypasta/Jeff the Killer Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now