Chapter Three

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Chapter three

It was five minutes passed seven in the morning when Gaia and Coby were making their way out of the motel room. Coby wanted to leave as early as they could, but Gaia had decided against it. For some reason she couldn't shake the fact that she was found herself connected to Jamison town, and to a certain dark skinned handsome gentlemen. Not to mention the fact that she still strongly felt the urge to go and check in on Jared. So a little after seven in the morning, both her and Coby were making their way out of the little motel.

It wasn't until they saw a huge muscular man wearing all black with a clean cut bold head standing by their car, that they paused in their tracks.

Gaia walked a little bit closer to the muscular man, that looked like the hulk, with a nervous expression lingering on her face. Quickly casting a worried glance towards Coby, who looked like a lost school girl, Gaia hesitated before speaking.

"Hello?" She said lifting her brow and staring openly at the enormous man standing for them.

"Ms. Henderson, my name is Thomson, and my boss Mr. Jamison sent me here to formally invite you and Ms. Smirtz to attend breakfast with him." The man said. Both Gaia and Coby watched as the man causally placed his hands behind his back and smiled down at them.

"I-I'm sorry, but we don't know anyone by the name of Jamison, and besides we'd have to decline anyways."Gaia said eyeing the man.

"We should get going." Coby said in a soft warm voice trying to make her way passed the muscular man, but instead stopped when she noticed the man took a small step forward blocking her from getting in the car.

"Both Mr. Jamison and Ms. Pikes would love it if you two attended breakfast with them." Thomson said looking down at Coby with a small frown on his face. "Please ma'am they insist."

Coby backed up, moving her body closer to Gaia and hiding herself behind Gaia's back, taking notice of the two other man who seemly appeared out of nowhere. Both of the new comers matched Thomson, dressing in all black clothes and clean shaved heads, and each equally built in the same muscular shape.

"Ladies." One of the man said capturing the girls attention. Both girls turned and looked towards the man, and noticed that he held his hand in an outstretched manner, motioning for them to get into a black limousine that had the door open.

Gaia wanted to protest, and she wanted more than anything to take Coby and run for dear life. But something in the back of her head stopped her, making her think twice about running. It wasn't the fact that each of the three men looked as if they lifted huge monster trucks for a living, or it wasn't the fact that they each seemed to have an intimidating presence about them. No it was more of the fact that something tugged at the back of her mind, willing her to stay.

Gaia opened her mouth, but quickly closing, coming to the understanding that no matter what she or Coby said, that it wouldn't have made a difference, because it was clear to see that the men where there to bring them to whoever they're boss where. So instead of opening her mouth to say something, Gaia reached down and placed her hands into to Coby and begun to pull her to the limousine. Once they were inside of the limo, Gaia watched as one of the men closed the door.

"This is strange." Gaia stated in a matter of fact voice.

Coby snorted softly and let out a low laugh, "Everything that has happened within the last twenty four hours has been strange." Coby sighed and begun to fidget nervously with her fingers. "Who do you think they're boss is?" She asked in a quiet and soft voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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