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Paige materialised at my side. "Don't think this means she forgives you, Deeby. You're still a massive asshole fuckwit bastard."

I took another sip of coffee as Zoe howled with laughter and Rao silently slid a few millimetres further along the table. Sometimes, I feel like Paige is my antagonistic alter ego. There are moments when her various attacks reflect my emotional state perfectly.

Jake scowled and the coffee machine made an angry whistling sound as he heated more milk. Maybe the coffee machine is his antagonistic alter ego. But then again, it's Jake. He's his own antagonistic alter ego.

I walked over to the counter, found some bread, and put it in the toaster. I looked at the packet. Coles? Capitalist conglomerates had spread to the unworld now?

Zoe saw me looking. "It's hard to get supplies without going to the city – which is infested with robot overlords," she said. "So Jake does the shopping in virtual." She grinned at him. "He's our little grumpy househusband."

Jake scowled at her and switched off the coffee machine. "Wait, no!" said Zoe. "I still want coffee. Long and black. Like my legs."

I drank more coffee. This was too much, far too early in the morning. Rao seemed to agree. His forehead hit the table with an audible thump. Jake switched the machine back on and the toast popped as Paige came over to my side. "I want to try," she said, pointing at my cup. Reluctantly, I offered it to her.

She took a sip whilst I watched – hoping she didn't take too much. I saw her face twist and – familiar with children's various gross reactions to new tastes – snatched it off her. "No backwash!" I yelped.

Instead of dribbling it back into my cup, Paige let the mouthful of coffee she'd taken spill down her chin.

"Blergh," she said. The coffee machine made a sad, wailing noise.

"Well, that's your opinion," I told her.

"Child, I am not cleaning that shit up," said Zoe, looking at the small puddle of coffee on the floor.

"You don't clean anything up." Jake handed her a cup.

"That's true," said Zoe reflectively. "These delicate hands are not made for brute labour. Have I told you the story – "

"Yes," said Mila shortly. "Paige, I want to examine your eye modification."

Slowly, I put my coffee cup down and studied her. Paige took a tiny step back from Mila. I took a step forward and crossed my arms. "What, exactly, does that entail?"

Mila glared at me. I stared right back. Tension thickened the air.

"It's not invasive," she snapped. 

"That's good," I said insincerely. "What, exactly, does it entail?" I didn't look away from Mila's face. It seemed to make her uncomfortable.

"Anna, it's fine," said Paige. "I've had my mod checked before."

"Not by Mila," I said. I smiled, my lips moving – but my eyes not at all sincere. Mila clenched her fist. Everyone else in the kitchen had gone very still.

"Ooookay..." began Zoe. I didn't even look at her. I could see Mila giving way.

"Scans," said Mila reluctantly. "Scans. That's all."

"It's fine," said Paige, touching my arm. "Just boring."

I kept my eyes on Mila till she looked away, then I shrugged. The dense tension that had built up in the kitchen dissolved.

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