Chapter 4 - The Lord's important message and the Lake of fire

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I saw a citrus fruit, a Calamondin or Mandarin (or Calamansi in tagalog) that fruit was taken off the bunches, and rolled on the floor. Afterwards, I saw it on a river-side, just floating above the water. Until it reached the riverbed, full of mud. After that, I saw it kicking by a man in the market and then another man picked it up, washed it and put it back to the bunches of fruits. After seeing this, the Lord spoke (I heard His audible voice in my ears): "Look, you are all just like that. Your life is such a long journey. You will experience all hardships but you will endure it, and will arrive at your destination" On that very moment, I didn't speak any words, I just listened carefully to the Lord's audible voice.


Upon hearing those words, I saw 2 gold coins rolling from afar. They were rolling straight, I was looking at them and suddenly, they stopped and flipped in front of me. Then I heard the Lord spoke again: "A person's life is a long long race, but once you stop, you will be left behind. You have to stay focused and don't get distracted by others. Don't stop running until you reach your destination." The two gold coins disappeared and there was a moment of silence, I didn't say any words, I just listened to Him.


Then he spoke again: "My daughter, you have to be strong. If only you could know how FEW will be saved." While He was saying that, suddenly, the screen was flashed again and here's what I saw: HELL. I saw several parts of it and it jumped to the lake of fire where I saw billions of people falling! I knew in spirit that it was the lake of fire. They were like sands in the shore and falling like rain drops! And I heard their agonising screams. I got terrified!!! and then the Lord spoke again, I noticed His voice has changed, seemed like weeping: "I did not make Hell for humans. I made this for satan and his angels." He was literally crying!!!! and then he stopped. "If only I could allow them to enter my kingdom, but I am HOLY, and no one shall ever enter my kingdom, except only those who are obedient and holy ones. Many will be left behind.

While hearing those words the screen again flashed to something else: After the rapture, people all over the world had been startled. They were extremely shocked! I saw most of the people running because of many accidents. Buildings collapsed, airplanes fell, cars bumped to each other, people are shouting and extremely terrified. They seem to be going crazy. "Because they are not living holy, they are not calling and seeking me, they just love the world more than my presence. And you, you have to be strong, I will never leave you as long as you're in line with me. Call unto me and I will answer."

After hearing this he reminded me again my calling and foretold private matters. And lastly he said, "Write, for you know that I am the Lord. Don't be afraid, I love you and will never leave you. You must get ready, I am coming soon! Tell people I am coming soon." And then my eyes slowly opened. I knew it was the Lord! For he repeated what he said from my previous experience


My 5th prophetic experience began while sleeping when my spirit's senses became active. This was not new to me anymore. I don't have a choice, I cant wake up my body no matter how I try. In this dream vision, I was falling through an unfamiliar place. I knew in my spirit that it was in the time period just after the white throne judgment has finished. I knew I was stepping on a platform and it disappeared and then I fell. While falling through that, I saw people falling as well!! They were ahead of me, some are just below me. I saw people falling one by one. Some fell belly first, some upside down, some are horizontal and vertical. They were all shouting!!

Then I noticed someone is with me. I didn't know if he was an angel or the Lord Himself. He was just giving me light. He said "This is the place where they will go" and I got extremely terrified!! I also noticed, that it was soooo deep. We were traveling in miles!!! until my speed became tremendous and I reached the lake. When I was near and about to fall, A force pulled me down and I touched something like a wall and screamed!!! And then I fell and it made me more terrified! I was in a lake of sulfur!!! I felt the first pain when submerged to that!!! I felt half of it on my sleeping body, while in my spirit, I felt the full pain!!!! I screamed like I was dying!!! It was so unbearable!!! No man shall take stand of it's fierce hotness.

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