Chapter Fourteen Part 15

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Davi paced the private lounge trying to remain calm. His plan was either the best solution out of this four year old mess or the fallout would be apocalyptic. Whatever the outcome, it was too late to do anything about it now. Ava should be here any second and all arrangements had been made, checked and safety checked.

Two days had passed since her and her father's reconciliation and she'd remained close to his bedside for the duration. Ed Granger had been discharged this morning and so it was time to enact the final part of the saga that needed to be locked away in the past. They needed to start their future afresh, purged of all the secrets about to unfold.

Ed Granger might be happy to gloss over their previous offences, but Davi couldn't. It had been a colossal mistake to listen to him before and that mistake would not be repeated now. His own demons, which had contributed to his actions back then, had been doused, overridden by his need for Ava to be in his life.

For the last two days, whilst Ava had been occupied with her father he'd tried to take an objective view of his life. He had worked tirelessly to succeed. To be the type of man he needed to be, but now, nothing seemed worthwhile without Ava at his side. Being with her again had changed his goals, not just his personal goals but his business ones were in need of revision too. He had enough money for the rest of their lives and now making more seemed almost repellent. He still needed a life of purpose and achievement but he wanted those achievements to be in pursuit of the dreams he first had when he was still young, wanting to be different, before he'd gradually morphed into the corporate mould.

He was determined to rediscover his passion for making a contribution to the world's fundamental resource problems, and now he had the financial power and the connections to make an impact. He wanted Ava there, with him, whilst he did it.

But first he had to finally tell her the truth about why he had forced their relationship to end and deal with the repercussions. He grimaced at the underhand nature of his decision to take her to a remote place where escape wasn't easy. He needed her to stay and listen to him, he couldn't risk her bolting and disappearing forever.

Staring out of the window at his private jet ready to fly them away, a bustle of noise behind him alerted him to Ava's arrival. He spun around and felt his soul torn into two conflicting teams. Team One was filled with joy at the rosy hue to her flushed cheeks and the huge smile splashed across her face. Team Two was filled with dread that soon that smile might never be directed at him again.

Before she'd even reached him, the impatience started. "So now are you going to tell me where we're going?" Her eyes tried to inject some stern intensity into them but she couldn't maintain it and burst out laughing.

Davi pushed away Team Two's negativity and just enjoyed the moment. "Not yet, sorry. I want it to be a complete surprise." He pulled her gently by the lapels of her wool jacket and swept her away in a kiss that expressed everything he couldn't.

"Hmm...," Ava emitted dreamily, "a girl could get used to this."

"That's the plan." He grabbed her hand and led her out onto the plane.


"Yes?" They had just reached cruising altitude and he looked up to answer her whilst undoing his seatbelt.

"I'm a little warm. Could you tell me where my suitcase is, so I can change?" She gave him her best angelic smile.

He laughed. "Nice try, little lady. That cuter-than-a-cherry-pie-with-a-cherry-on-top face might fool some, but not me."

"Drat." She threw him an irritated expression that couldn't hide her amusement. He'd told her not to pack anything aside from her laptop for the trip, wanting to maintain the secrecy for as long as possible. He'd arranged the clothing she would need for their trip. "This is unbearable. You know I'm the world's most impatient person when it comes to secrets."

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