Before all sensation died

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Jade's pov


The sound of something being dropped had startled me into wakefulness, the last images of the dream that I had been having fading from my mind like they had never existed in the first place. That happened when my dreams were about Davey, and they were always going to be like that, I presumed. Since Davey was never going to know the truth, nor ever feel the same way towards me, I figured that most of the things having to do with him were going to be futile until the very end. Closing my eyes again, for I had been staring at the roof of my bunk, I settled down a little more and felt sleep try to take me again.

A voice echoed in the back of my head and I tilted my head a little, hearing the words and yet not processing them into formidable grammar. That was strange...usually I always knew what the people in my dreams said to me. I listened harder when the words were repeated and then saw Davey's form appear. Where were we? I looked around for a moment and realized that we were in the little apartment that the four of us rented sometimes during the breaks between concerts. Davey was in my room, his hands on his hips and his eyes narrowed at me.

He shifted stance, spoke again, and then crossed his arms over his chest. Everything was so confusing, threatening to spin, like I wasn't anchored very well inside of the dream that I was having. Was it a dream? Or was it a nightmare? His words came into play and I was awake once more, almost hitting on my head on the ceiling of my bunk. Were it to be a few inches lower, I would have. Rubbing the sides of my neck and then stroking my fingers through my hair, I felt the tremors that were running up and down my spine, my body aching and wanting to relax again. But I was too afraid of those dreams coming back to me.

Sliding open the curtain on my bed, I moved my legs out first and then stood up, stretching a little and feeling a few of my joints pop. I even heard them. No one was around, and those loud noises had obviously come from outside of the bus. Peering out of the window just over the table in the 'living room' area, I saw that Smith was talking to Adam and Hunter about something. What though?

"Hey, you're awake finally."

I jumped, almost quite literally, the blinds that I had been holding open with two fingers snapping shut. Turning around, I saw Davey standing there and he held up both hands, laughing softly at my unwilling antics before he spoke.

"Woah...calm down Jade...don't need to have a heart attack. You were asleep for almost two days..."

That's when I noticed the darkness outside. Damn, I did sleep for a long time didn't I? Sighing softly, I turned as if to say something, my lips parted, when Smith suddenly came onto the bus. He smirked and then smiled widely at me. I hated that look.

"Jade! Bro'! Guess what happened?"

"You finally grew up? Your balls dropped? Mom is putting you up for adoption?"

He knew I was kidding and it made him laugh, that cheery way of talking coming out again from his vocal chords. Heaven help me. "No...we got the go ahead for going over the border...but not before Hunter's shit got checked for illegal substances."

"Why?" Because it was Hunter, I mused silently to myself.

"Because they were thinking he was a skin-head of some sort. I mean look at him, he's white...and he shaved his head. That's typical or whatever. Canadians and their way of life, it's just amusing sometimes."

I tilted my head to the side and knew that he was joking. Smith was neither mean or racist, and I respected that about my brother. Turning to look at Davey, I saw that he was busy making something on the stove. Yeah, he could cook, and I adored that in a weird sort of stalker-ish way. Don't ask, don't tell. That's what it is for a lot of people and what not. I chose to take that as my way of thinking most of the time.

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