Chapter 1

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Minah sent a friend request..

Yoongi glanced over his phone, catching the vibrant color green on his screen. He groaned. This 'Line Play' Dare thing isn't working quite well with him. The game made no sense whatsoever and it had no goal. It basically had no purpose. It's only purpose was to socialize with other human beings apparently. He rolled his eyes at that thought.

He's not the type to socialize, but because he lost some stupid bet he had to do some stupid dare. Honestly he doesn't get this at all. It's just for socializing right? But apparently it turns into an online dating app.

He quickly picked up his phone to check this person could be.

Oh it's another girl.. Yippee.. He sarcastically thought.

He scanned through her bio and chuckled slightly. It's amazing how his mood changed from annoyed and irritated to amused and entertained.

She seems... different. He thought.

Her bio was written as:

Screw this.. I was dared to do this -.- I have to get at least 100 friends for this to end so you better accept it!

It looks like I'm the first.. Yoongi thought.

He accepted her friend request and looked through her diary. He scanned the already endless posts of how cruel life is and just how unfair it is to human beings. She had happy posts here and there which thankfully enlightened her dull diary.

To be honest, she had the perfect combination of cool and swag, happiness and sadness and fantasy and reality.

Yoongi laughed out loud suddenly as he read one of her posts in her diary.

If Life gives you lemons..
Throw it back at Life because Life wants to screw you with them..


The members must of heard his sudden burst of laughter since everyone ran to his room. He immediately locked his phone as his members burst open through his white door.

"Yoongi hyung?! Everything all right?" Hoseok asked.

"Why wouldn't something be alright if I'm laughing?" He chuckled slightly as he remembered her post.

"Oh.. Um.. Nothing.. We just got worried.." Hoseok whispered.

Yoongi only shook his head and motioned his members to get out. He didn't want his members to find out that maybe he might start liking Line Play because of one friend request.


Bts were practicing 'Dope' for their upcoming concert and they drenched in their own sweat as they practiced for 2 and a half hours straight.

As the song ends, they collapse on the cool ground making the floor smug with their sweat. They all were tired and were breathing heavily as they desperately drank water, letting the water cool their burning throats.

Suddenly, Yoongi heard the familiar ring of receiving a notification from Line Play. Forgetting all about his tiredness, he speed walked over to his phone which was placed next to his bag. He unlocked his phone and received a message from Minah.

His eyes round in surprise and checked the message.

Hey~ Thanks for accepting my friend request. You just made me closer to finishing this stupid bet -.-..

Yoongi unconsciously smiled and typed back.

No problem... At least we both have something I common, we did it because of a bet..

Yoongi waited a few minutes until she me messaged back and started to have a small conversation.

The members were tuckered out and were confused as to how Yoongi regained strength in the matter of minutes. They wanted to give their hyung some privacy but the curiosity can't help but grow as they see the smiles that Yoongi has across his lips.

"Alright Bangtan! Time to go and rest for the night. We have a big concert ahead of us and we would want to give our best!" Their manager has yelled enthusiastically.

"Ne Manager- Nim!" They responded back with a big salute.

Their manager gave them a nod before heading out. The members were packing up whilst Yoongi was still chatting away on his phone.

"Yoongi hyung~ Time to go!" Hoseok cheered. Yoongi gave an annoyed groan as he said goodbye to Minah and locked his phone.

Meanwhile on Minah's side, she was pretty disappointed that Yoongi had to go. She locked her phone and softly threw her phone on the desk. She laid down on her bed as she thought about Yoongi..

We have a lot in common.. She thought.

She had a small smile painted on her lips as her chocolate hair was messily placed on her pillow.

"Maybe this bet won't be so bad after all" she muttered to herself.

THIS WAS SUCH A BORING CHARTER I SWEAR... But don't worry! ^-^ I gonna fast forward till they know each other well next chapter :P..

I have a pretty nice plot for this tho.. So please anticipate for this story!

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