'Goodbye' (Luke)

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So, I woke up at 5 am this amazing idea for an imagine for Luke. Then I found a song to go with it. I am NOT targeting anyone in this imagine. It's not meant to offend anyone, this is JUST for imagine purposes. I had this idea roaming in my head for a while but today I finally put it all together. So no h8 pls m8. :)
P.S- the song is absolutely mandatory for this imagine.


It was 2am. You lay on your bed staring at your phone.
There was dead silence in your shared apartment with Luke. He had gone out yet again and still wasn't home.
He had done this every night for the past week and you had no idea where he had been. Every night he'd casually walk through the door, the smell of alcohol and perfume suggested he was with some girls a club. It was on a regular basis and honestly you didn't know why you were still here.
You decided to scroll through your Twitter to pre-occupy your mind while waiting for him to come home again.

There  was the regular fans tweeting you saying they liked your hair or something like that, the regular Update Accounts tweeting something new, another hashtag that confused the fandom, the list went on!
Until you came across a few photos an update account had just posted of Luke and a girl.
Your stomach started to hurt, your heart ached a little bit.
You felt your red cheeks heat up and tears began to fall as you read on.
'Luke leaving the club with a mysterious girl. Guys what about Y/N?' , the tweet read.
He was holding her hand and protecting her from the paparazzi.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
You felt so sick and were unsure of what to do so you wiped your own tears and stood up.
This had gone on long enough, Luke had obviously been out with this girl all week, this explained the smell of perfume from him every night.
You couldn't take his shit anymore so you decided to pack and leave while he was still out.
You grabbed your suitcase from on top of the wardrobe and started throwing clothes and items into it. You didn't know where you were going to go but you definitely weren't staying here anymore, or with Luke for that matter.
This was the last straw, he would prefer to spend more time with the girl than his own girlfriend, well now he can have her all to himself.
Tears were streaming down your face and you could feel that your heart was broken into a million pieces.
You wished it wasn't true, Luke never seemed the type to cheat but his recent behaviour pleaded different.
All you wanted was him to hold you close, wipe away your tears and kiss you until you fell asleep. Sadly, that was never going to happen.
After you finished packing, you took pen to paper and left three simple words you hoped Luke would be sober enough to understand.
'Goodbye Luke, Y/N'
You left the note on your once shared bed, in your once shared apartment and closed the door shut behind you.
Goodbye Luke.

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