After that....

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Elena POV.

"SHUT UP AUSTIN!" I yelled, at a panicking Austin.

"Elena! Are you ok?" Austin asked, looking at me creepily.

"I'm fine. No need to panic so much."

"Ok. Lets go."

"I want to stay here!" I said with a 'baby voice'.

"Why?" he asked.

"Be stupid, dance around to music!"

"Oh fine. But this is the only time"

"You sound like an overprotective Alex." I said.

"What was that?"


Austin, Dave and I turned up the music so loud that we couldn't hear ourselves singing.

Thank you by MKTO was playing and Austin looked like he was drunk. (not that he would be). Dave, just doing the one move.


Austin turned off the music and sat next to me. Dave, still there doing the stupid dance move.

"Pic?" Austin asked.


He grabbed his phone and got into Instagram.

"Silly!" I yelled, quietly.


We took heaps of silly pics and put them into a collage and put them on Instagram.

My phone beeped and I got it out. It said 'Austin Mahone has taken a picture of you'.

I went into it and read the caption, which said: "Partying alone with this beautiful girl! @elthaconstancio". (Not sure if anyone has that username on Instagram).

I decided to comment on it. "Well thank you Mr. Hot Stuff!". I posted the comment and then went through all of the comments from the Mahomies.

There's ones like:

"Austin! How can you be with her?!"

"Eww ugly thing"

"Get off her and come to me"

"Ugh yuk!"

Hate. I was only Austin's friend, right? There was only one that made me brighten up.

"Awww! Austin has found his girl! Stay together, you two are cute!".

I got up and followed Austin to his room. He didn't know but who cares?

"AUSTIN! LOOK!" I yelled, scaring him.

"What is it?"

I showed him the comment and looked at his face, all smiles. It was cute, I guess.

"Wow. They really think we are dating?" I asked.

"Yeah. I love the sweet comments"

"I'm going to my room now"


I went into my room and not long after I got a knock on my door. "Come in", I said.

I was putting stuff away in my wardrobe and walked back out to see Austin sitting on my bed.


"I need your advice." Austin said.

"My advice? Like I would have any" I said.


"Ok, ask me."

"Well, really like this girl and I don't know how to tell her"

"Well, if you are too scared to tell her in person, text her or write her a letter"

"Ok thanks"

Austin POV.

~earlier that day~

~on the phone with Alex~

"Yeah man."

"I like like your sister" I said.

"You what?" he yelled through the phone.

"I want her to be my girlfriend."

"Well man, tell you this, you can go out with her but if I get any calls from El about you being mean or you cheating on her, you'll hear it from me. Ok?"

"Yes. Thanks. I won't break your sister ever!"

"Ok I have to go now, Sarah is here."

"Ok thanks. Bye"


After what Alex told me this morning and Elena told me just then is making me more confident.

I decided to text Elena what I thought of her.

'Hi. I really really like you. I wanted to tell you in person but I was too scared. Please meet me any time soon and we will talk.'

I hit send and waited for an answer....

Elena POV.

I finished putting everything away and my phone went off. Austin. It read:

'Hi. I really really like you. I wanted to tell you in person but I was too scared. Please meet me any time soon and we will talk.'

Why would Austin like me? I decided to go into his room and ask.

I walked down the hall and into his room.

"You could have just told me!" I yelled.

"Well I was scared..."

"What did Alex say about it?" I asked.

"He said it was alright, but if I did anything to you, I would be dead." He explained.

"Well, ok.."

"How about I take you out tonight and you decide if you want to be with me?" he asked.

"Yeah sure."

I walked out, with a smile on my face. Finally.


There you go! Hope you like it. Vote or Comment if you love it! - Magz xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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