The Guide to Being Perfect

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Have you ever wanted to be perfect? Have you looked in the mirror and hated things that you see? 

Everyone has insecurities no matter what you look like. I have spent my life obsessing about what I saw in the mirror. People would call me beautiful and I would think to myself, "what about this and this..."

I want to CHANGE that. 

We are all beautiful as women and we deserve to see that within ourselves. 

Stop comparing yourself to other people and wake up. Look at the things that make YOU BEAUTIFUL! 

Remember ladies, bring others up, but bring yourself up too.

This guide includes ways to enhance your natural beauty and make you feel good!

I am including tips and tricks and motivation to help you inside and out.

Look in the mirror, blow yourself a kiss, and get ready to feel your absolute best!

The Guide to Being Perfect- Self ImprovementWhere stories live. Discover now