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Normal POV

Vrak was waiting for the rangers especially the purple ranger. Vrak's plan is to take the purple ranger to destroy the silver ranger.

Grace POV

"I don't see any monsters", I said.

"Lets spilt up. Call if you find anything", Troy said.

"Okay", we all said.

The groups were me and Orion, Jake, Noah, and Gia, and Troy and Emma.

We all went different directions. Me and Orion looked in the forest.

"Where is that monster", I said.

"I'm right here, rangers", a monster said making me turn around.

"Vrak", Orion said.

"That's right silver ranger", Vrak said.

"Guys we found Vrak", Orion said.

I walked back to where Orion was standing.

"Xborgs", Vrak said.

Me and Orion started fighting thd xborgs and there was a ton around Orion and I barely had any. I started to go help Orion when a glowing lasso went around me.

"Orion help me", I screamed struggling.

I started going backwards and then I saw Vrak. I saw the others come into view.

"Troy help me", I screamed.

They saw what was going on and came to help. Vrak grabbed my neck and started chocking me and then I felt my suit go away and then blackness.

Orion POV

I saw Grace demorph and then she went limp.

"Grace", I yelled.

"Bye silver ranger", Vrak said and disappeared along with Grace and the xborgs.

"No", me and Troy said.

"Lets go", I said and we went back to the comand center.

Grace POV

My eyes opened and I was in a chair near a table with my hands tied behind the back of the chair and my feet where tied together. I had a bandana in my mouth to prevent me from yelling. I felt tears run down my cheeks. I wanted Troy and Orion to come and save me. I started yelling but it only came out muffled.

"Shut up", I heard Vrak yell as he walked over to me.

I shook my head and he grabbed the knife on the table next to me and held it to my throat. I gulped and stopped screaming. He took the bandana out of my mouth kept it around my neck.

"Good girl", he said smoothing my hair.

"Don't touch me", I snapped back.

"Do you want to see your silver and red rangers again", he said putting the knife back to my throat.

I gulped again and nodded getting the message I shouldn't do anything stupid. He snatched my morpher and called my friends.

"Vrak where's my sister", Troy said.

"She is fine red ranger but if you rangers do any stupid this pretty lady will no longer be here", Vrak said.

"Oh me and the purple ranger are in the factory downtown", Vrak said and then I realized that Vrak was planting a trap.

"Guys don't come its a trap. Don't come its a", I said and then Vrak put the bandana back in my mouth.

"Time is ticking rangers", Vrak said.

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