Troy POV

I was just laying on the bed in the small room Vekar left me in. I was thinking about Grace and that message I told her. I miss her and she misses me just as much or even more.

Grace POV

I woke up and then saw I was still cuddling on the couch with Orion. Its Saturday. Its going on a week of Troy being gone. My friends are doing their best to keep me busy and keep my mind off the fact my brother I missing. Yesterday we saw the video so we know where Troy is so now all we have to do is go and get him. We also went to the amusement park and that's why I am cuddled up on the couch. We got back around 11 so me and Orion just decided to crash on the couch. I could smell the armoa of pancakes so I decided to wake Orion up.

"Orion time to get", I said quietly.

I was straddling his body. His eyes opened and then he put his hands on my back and pulled me down so I was like 3 inches from his face.

"Morning", Orion said.

"Morning", I said back and then kissed him on the lips.

We pulled apart after like a minute. Then I got up so he could get up. Then we went into the kitchen where my mom was cooking.
"Hi mom", I said.

"Hi sweetie. How many pancakes do you guys want", she said.

"2 for me", Orion said.

"Same", I said.

Me and Orion sat at the table and he intertwined our fingers together. I was still tuckered out from the amusement park last night.

"Hey babe I'll see you later", Orion said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Okay", I said and went back and laid on the couch and pulled out my phone and put a video of me and Troy playing hide n seek when we were 8 and 9 (Troy-9.   Me-8)

My mom was recording it.

Me: "9, 10, ready or not here I come", I say.

I looked everywhere to find Troy.

Me: "Troy, where are you?", I ask.

My mom started laughing. So I turned around and saw my big brother standing there.

Me: "found you", I laugh.

Troy: " you sure did and now I'm going to get you", he says.

I squeal and started running. He chased after me and caught me. He picked me up and lightly body slammed me into a pile of leaves. I grabbed a handful and threw it at him....

I laughed and then slowly fell asleep.

Orion POV

Me and the others were going to save Troy and surprise Grace later. We got to the factory.

"Emma and me are going to get him. You guys stay out here", I said.

"Okay", they said and me and Emma ran into the factory.

"Lets split up. Call if you find anything", I said.

Emma nodded and went left I went right.

Emma POV

I was looking down the corridors trying to find the room Troy is in.

"Troy", I shouted while walking around.

Troy POV

I thought I heard Emma.

"Troy", the voice said and it was Emma.

Caught in the Middle (Troy Burrows)Where stories live. Discover now