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Based on this request by anonymous:

"Are you still on for lunch next week?" Roman asked walking into the room you and Seth were sitting in

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"Are you still on for lunch next week?" Roman asked walking into the room you and Seth were sitting in

Seth's eye's narrow as he looks up at Roman "Wait, what's this?" 

"(Y/N), Dean and I are going out for lunch next week" Roman answered

"So, you just decided to take my girlfriend out without my knowledge?" Seth inquired 

You had known Roman for six years and he had been the one that introduced you to Seth to begin with. You had a brother/sister relationship but for some reason your friendship just didn't sit well with Seth.

"What's got you so worked up?" Roman asked

Seth had been acting strange around Roman for a while and you weren't sure why, he just always seemed short-tempered and irritable in the presence of the Samoan. Seth didn't respond to Roman's question choosing to shrug it off instead as he scrolled through his phone.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Later that night]

Roman had suggested hanging out and although Seth had agreed he still seemed moody when Roman arrived a few hours later, with a DVD in hand. Seth glared at you as you settled down on the couch, resting your legs over Roman's lap. After an hour you got up and made your way to the kitchen to get some food while Roman sat himself down on the floor, spreading his legs out

''You alright bro?'' he asked as he caught Seth's eye

"Yep" Seth replied sharply

You returned with some popcorn and climbed behind Roman, placing your feet down either side of his head. His head fell back and he looked up at you with a grin

''What?'' you asked

"You gonna share that?" 

"That depends'' you replied ''Are you gonna let me play with your hair?''

You had always been obsessed with his hair and you were one of the few people that he'd let touch it. Roman rolled his eyes and removed his hair band, letting his hair fall down freely. You held the popcorn out to him and instantly started to run your fingers through his hair. Seth narrowed his eyes at you as he noticed Roman head tilting sideways, his eyes closing slightly as he enjoyed the sensation of your fingers on his scalp. Seth would often sit between your legs like Roman was but you had never played with his hair and for some reason it really bothered him. He wanted to feel what Roman was feeling. 

A few hours passed and it was getting late so Roman decided to call it a night and leave, you said your goodbyes and had just started to tidy up when you felt Seth's eyes on you. "What is wrong with you?" 

"Nothing" He denied

"Yes there is'' you said as you made your way over to him ''You've been quiet all night'' You sat down beside him and attempted to make eye contact

Seth finally met your eyes, letting out a sigh "Why don't you ever play with my hair like that?" 

"What?" you asked confused

"My hair...you never run your fingers through my hair like that" he said, pouting slightly

"Well, i didn't know you wanted me too" you replied "Is that really what you've been so annoyed about?'' 

''It's not just that'' Seth continued ''I feel like you share things with him that you don't with me''

''Like what?'' you asked ''We're only friends Seth''

''I guess i just feel like second best when Roman's around'' Seth admitted

You straddled his lap, gently running your fingers through his hair ''You're not'' you assured as you began to plait some of his hair ''Besides, there are so many things that i do with you that i'd never do with Roman''

"Like what?" Seth mumbled

"Like this" you said as you kissed him

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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