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Karkat sighed as he made his way down the seemingly endless stairs to the bottom of this godforesaken meteor. He has spent nearly one entire human year on this rock, and he still wasn't used to all that walking.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants and quickened his pace. If he was late, Kankri would lecture him on how important it was to be on time to any appointement, no matter how seemingly unimportant it may seem. Karkat knew that his dancestor was just trying to help him become a better troll, but couldn't he help in a way that didn't involve Karkat sitting down for several hours wishing for his dancestor to follow in the footsteps of his creepy Makara and sew his mouth shut.

Finally, after a few more minutes of tedious walking, Karkat ended up in the place he wanted-- no, needed to be. He paused for a few minutes, eyes starting to adjust to the pitch black darkness of the room. Once he could see enough, he took a step foreward, slowly and quietly as to not startle who lay ahead of him.

Karkat extended his hand and took another step foreward, his hand now resting on the cool surface of a refrigerator, but not just any refridgerator. Yes, Karkat was standing infront of the kitchen appliance that held his not-so-sane moirail...or the moirail that could've been.

"Hey awake...?" Karkat whispered, staying absolutely still as he waited for any sign that the Capricorn was awake. A moment passed and Karkat recieved the honk of a bicycle horn in response. Vriska had stuck one in his mouth so he himself couldn't honk or say much of anything really.

Karkat smiled a little and pressed his forehead against the fridge. Although he'd never admit it and would deny it if it was ever brought up, he greatly missed the purple blooded troll that considered him his best friend. Yes, Karkat knew that Gamzee wasn't exactly himself. Yes, Karkat knew that Gamzee had killed a couple of his friends and would probably kill him as well, but this didn't matter to him for some reason. He had strong pale feelings for this high blood, and has had them for as long as he could remember. He never acted upon them, even after the sweeps of Gamzee pale flirting with him, because Karkat knew something would happen. And look! Something did happen.

The Cancer troll sat down cross legged infront of the fridge as he's done hundreds of times before. You see, Karkat has been secretly visiting Gamzee at least once or twice a night. He would sit there for several hours and just talk. He'd talk about how things were going with the others, about what their plans for the new universe would be, and about how much he missed the miracle loving troll he fell pale for. Karkat knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he really only ever felt comfortable talking about feelings with Gamzee. He knew he had Kanaya or Dave, but with them, it only ever felt awkward and forced. When talking to Gamzee, he could speak freely about every and anything, and Gamzee contributed to this one way feelings jam but honking to let the other know he was listening.

"Okay...great, I just came down here so I could take a little nap. Kankri set up some "Lessons" for me and if i'm late, the bastard's going to lecture me until my ears bleed. But when I wake up, I swear i'll tell you everything that the leggings-wearing asshole told me. Deal?" A honk came from the fridge, letting Karkat know that the deal was accepted. He smiled and curled up on the floor, closing his eyes. "Night Gam." Another honk, and Karkat sighed as he began to drift off to sleep.


Karkat "woke up" in the dream bubbles. He took a minute to check his surroundings, seeing as this was the "main bubble". A majority of the dead trolls had gathered here, not bothering to stay in their respective bubbles. It was odd seeing so many dead versions of himself and his friends, but he wasn't here to stand there and gawk at the dead. No, he had to go visit a version of his ancestor from his own alpha timeline.

He looked around for a second more, seeing a dead version of himself in his godtier snogging a dead Tavros in the white fairy dress Vriska would wear. Okay...yeah that's enough looking around. Karkat left that bubble, leaving his dead godtier self to snog as many brown blooded trolls in fairy dresses as he pleased.

He walked in and out of several bubbles for a few minutes, until he finally reached the one he was looking for. Karkat stopped once he entered that bubble, looking around to make sure it was the correct one. It was.

The short troll frowned, already making up excuses for leaving early, and made his way to the tall hive that Kankri resided in. It wasn't his hive, it was his friends hive. Porrim's to be exact. Kankri wasn't as lucky as Karkat and he never had a hive or a lusus, so Porrim and her Lusus took him in. Karkat always wondered why he had gotten a hive and lusus, and why Kankri hadn't. If it had anything to do with their mutation, Karkat should have of had the same fate as his dancestor. But he didn't, and he never knew why.

Karkat shrugged that thought away and sighed. He raised a fist to the door and reluctantly knocked. Less than a second had passed and Kankri had answered the door. His dancestor stood taller than he, only a couple inches though. His hair was neatly combed unlike Karkat's messy locks that kept falling on his face, and His oversized red turtleneck was neat and clean, not a single wrinkle in sight.

The older Cancer troll smiled warmly at his descendent and stepped back to allow him to enter.

"Karkat, Hello. Thank you for coming on time, being on time is very important you know. It shows that you--" Kankri was cut off mid-sentence by Karkat who strode into the hive, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, shows that I'm genuinly interested in the other or some shit like that." Karkat plopped down on a giant and soft couch, pulling a nearby pillow closer and hugging it to his chest. Kankri was about to say something on the importance of not cursing when Karkat spoke again. "Let's just get this lesson over with."

Karkat's LessonsWhere stories live. Discover now