The Peacekeeper: Part Two

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Karkat could honestly say he wasn't surprised that it was those two, he should of actually expected it. What with Gamzee's recent murderous outburst and Vriska's long history of being well....a bitch. Even though he wasn't necessarily surprised at this, Karkat's eyes still widened slightly in shock.

"Gam and Vriska...?" Karkat asked quietly, Kankri nodding his head in response. Karkat left out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair, he didn't really know what to think. "Alright....continue." Kankri nodded, still looking at his descendent with a slight worried look, but he continued.

"Right, well as I mentioned, they were Matesprits. The two were extremely dangerous, and extremely violent. Gamzee was so horrible, that no name could capture his violent nature, so they merely referred to him as "The Purple Blood". Vriska on the other hand, wasn't as murderous as her matesprit. She would..."persuade" trolls to join their cause. But of course, no troll in their right mind would ever dream of joining them in creating a world that lowbloods were treated unfairly. So, instead of actually attempting to motivate them into joining their armies, Vriska would use her mind powers to force them in. She was called "The Persuader", I always thought of that as some sort of sick joke on her part, but we will never know."

"They commanded several large armies, a vast majority of their soldiers were there against their will, and would always attack her Empire. Now, I must say, their methods of attacking was quite sloppy, they mainly ambushed whatever area they believed was the weakest. I could honestly go on and on about how horribly executed their attacks were but that wouldn't make them any less gruesome, because many many trolls did perish during those attacks. Oh my, I'm getting off topic aren't I?" Karkat rolled his eyes at how easily off track Kankri got. Kankri cleared his throat, looking a bit embarrassed. "Er...pardon me...back to the Peacekeeper."

"Now, the Peacekeeper did work for Her Imperial Radiance, but he also did work for her matesprit on the sidelines. Her matesprit was referred to as "The Warlorde", he was Cronus's ancestor. The Warlorde wanted peace as much as the Empress and the Peacekeeper, but he had a hard time trying to...keep his methods of keeping peace well...peaceful. The Warlorde forced The Peacekeeper execute those he thought were guilty of betraying the Empress. Of those trolls he had to execute were his moirail and matesprit."

"Wait wait wait...matesprit? I-- uh...he, had a matesprit?" Kankri nodded. Karkat raised an eyebrow, curious as to which of the trolls had been his pre-scratch self's matesprit. "Who was it? Why were they executed?"

"He was called "The Architect." He created the Empress's Hive. It was beautiful to every last detail. From the mass aquarium he had built for her to freely and safely swim into her large throne room, even to respiteblock that The Empress's second care-taker spent her free time in. He was executed because it was rumoured that he was building secret hideouts for the Purple Blood and his matesprit to hide in as they planned their next attack. His moirail was executed for being rumoured to have of been making and selling weapons to them. Neither of these accusations were ever proven to be true or not."

"Well....that's fucking stupid. Why kill some troll under false fucking accusations? That's just....really fucking stupid. And his matesprit and moirail? Who the fuck makes some poor troll-- especially one that protects the goddamn empress with his life --kill the two closest trolls to him?" Karkat huffed angrily, crossing his arms. He was angry and it wasn't even his life or his moirail or his matesprit that had been killed. Or worse, that he had to kill. "Who was his fucking matesprit anyway? Tavros?" The older troll shook his head.

"No, Tavros Nitram was a troll The Peacekeeper had trained to take his place as the general of the Empress's army...did I forget to mention that? Pardon me, The Peacekeeper not only protected the Empress, but he also had to fight in certain battles because he was the general of her army, an excellent on at that. But of course training an army, fighting in battles, hunting down those two menaces, and protecting the empress had become a bit too much for him. So, training Tavros to replace him was a good way to take off some of that stress. Tavros even later received his own title, he was called "The Cavalier". Anyway, no. It was not Tavros, though it was rumoured that the Nitram did have a flush crush on The Peacekeeper, but it was also never really proven. It was Sollux Captor. His Psionic abilities made it easy to quickly build the Empress's many structures."

"The Architect and The Peacekeeper were horn of heels red for each other. Dare I say, their love may have of transcended the quadrants as well." Kankri sighed, sliding a hand over the cover of the book, smiling fondly. "I remember reading and re-reading the journal of the Architect...I remember being completely intoxicated with the stories of their love. It's funny....he began his journal the day he met the Peacekeeper...and the journal ended the day he was executed by his matesprit. I always thought that it was ironic...I also thought it was some way of showing us that his life never really started until, and I quote, 'That strong and dangerous, yet warm hearted candy blood appeared.'"

"But...bad things happen to good trolls, and The Architect died. Now, The Peacekeeper would've fought for his matesprit, he would've torn The Warlorde apart for even thinking of such a heinous idea, but he was in a bit of a predicament. The Peacekeeper already had a matesprit, as far as The Wardlorde knew. But it wasn't Sollux. The Peacekeeper absolutely hated executing innocent trolls. He hated it so much that he went as far as claiming a fake matesprit to spare the troll's life. He claimed a young teal blood, Terezi Pyrope, as his matesprit and The Warlorde set her free. If The Peacekeeper said that The Architect was his actual matesprit, he would've been charged for lying to an official. He, Terezi, and Sollux would've all been culled. So, he had no other choice but to kill his reddest of loves...and live the rest of his days with a troll he had only pretended to be flushed for."

Karkat sat there in awe. This was like some sort of sick and twisted romance novel, though it was much worse since this things did happen. His head swam with this new information, trying to comprehend what was just explained to him. Sollux was his matesprit, Equius his moirail, Terezi his fake matesprit, Tavros had a flush crush on him, and he had to kill Sollux and Equius. This was....this was just too much for the young troll.

"H-Holy shit..." This was all Karkat had to say to all of this. Kankri chuckled and patted Karkat's knee.

"Save your curses for the end of the lessons, please. Thank you." End of the lessons? There was more? Karkat groaned and ran a hand through his hair, he wasn't really sure he would be able to handle all this new information. It was all His pre-scratch self had gone through so much, and there was still more? Karkat was hungry for more information on The Peacekeeper's life, but he was just having trouble digesting the big "I hate you" sundae with a nice, red "fuck you" cherry ontop that the universe had served Kankri's ancestor.

"How much more of this lesson is there?" Karkat asked, looking up at his dancestor.

"Not much" Kankri replied calmly. "Now, onto the next half of The Peacekeeper's life."

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