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Karkat walked quickly through the bubbles, his hands shoved into his pant pockets and his head down. He was lost in thought of the conversation he just had with his dancestor. The Cancer troll was so lost in thought that he didn't see a ghost Sollux and ended up bumping into him. 

"Jesus fuck KK, watch where you're going." The Sollux grumbled, his lisp still very much present. He then helped Karkat, who had fallen flat on his ass, stand up. Karkat merely grunted in reply and dusted himself off. The ghost raised an eyebrow at that, automatically wondering what was bugging this living version of his friend. "KK, you okay? You normally give me some horrible and snarky come back."

Karkat shrugged, staying quiet. What he really wanted to do at the moment was to wake up and go back to Gamzee's fridge and to tell him about the raging shitstorm that was brewing inside of him. Sollux frowned  as Karkat began to walk away, the Gemini pulled him back by his wrist. 

"Oh fuck no KK. You're going to tell me what shit's bothering you whether you like it or not." Karkat sighed and after a moment of realizing that Sollux wouldn't change his thinkpan, he nodded. Sollux smirked triumphantly and pulled the shorter troll off to the side, away from the cluster of ghosts. The two sat down at underneath a tree and Sollux turned to Karkat expectantly. "Alright, talk." 

"Why do you want me to talk so badly hm? From what I remembered you and I weren't exactly 'feelsy' with each other." Karkat huffed, crossing his arms. Sollux chuckled and shook his head, leaning back against the tree. 

"Different timelines idiot. In my timeline, you and I have been sickeningly pale since we met." Karkat nodded, he should've guessed as much. He and Sollux were always teetering over into the pale quadrant at times....then again He and Eridan did too...and He and Kanaya. "So, you should probably stop beating around the dead hoofbeast that is this conversation and get straight to the point and start talking." Karkat pulled his knees up to his chest, thinking for a minute. He couldn't really talk to Sollux about this shit, he wasn't exactly his moirail. But then again...Sollux was one of his best friends...and he said he was moirails with his timeline version of maybe this would work? He would actually be able to have a normal feelings jam with someone who could do more than just honk .

Karkat sighed and rested his chin on his knees as he spoke. He told his dead friend everything Kankri had told him. He told him everything on the Signless, everything about his Lusus, and everything on what he was expected to be. Sollux sat there, listening carefully. This was all new information to him as well, he was fairly certain that his Karkat didn't know any of this, then again it didn't matter seeing as how they were both dead.

"....And that's the shit that's bothering me. Happy?" Karkat asked when he finished retelling every detail. Sollux sat there, not exactly sure how to respond to all of that. He let out a long sigh of air and shrugged. 

"Listen KK, that's a literal plate of shit served up to you on it's fanciest china, I get why it's bothering you. But....fuck....okay think of it this way: If you do suceed in whatever shit you have to do to "bring peace", you'll be considered a legend AND lowbloods wouldn't be treated like shit AND mutants wouldn't get culled on the spot. So that's part of the brightside."

"The other part of the brightside is that that shit might not even happen. I mean, there was TWELVE of us left. In my timeline, we all died on the meteor. I don't know how many trolls are alive in your timeline, but there isn't enough to where there's witch hunts going on and fucking cullings happening. In order to bring "bring peace to the planet" you'd need an actual fucking planet." Karkat perked up and nodded, he didn't think of that. There was only a good handful of living trolls, and now that Alternia was long since gone, their unfair caste system didn't matter to them. "Then again....we are supposed to be creating a "new universe" once this bull fuckery is over and done with. Who's to say a "new" Alternia won't appear with a whole new generation of trolls? So, this whole you becoming the Signless 2.0 could happen..." 

The Cancer troll groaned loudly, of course he wouldn't have of been able to get off the figurative hook that easily. Karkat leaned his head back, looking up at the leaves in the tree. So he was pretty much stuck in this shitty fate huh? Figures. He always had a sneaking suspicion that something big would happen to him, whether it was good or bad he didn't know. 

On one hand, Karkat was up for bringing Hemo equality to his planet. He absolutely hated the way lowbloods got treated by highbloods. He hated having to be forced to hide his blood color for so long. He wanted to be something great. He wanted to be known as Karkat Vantas: The troll with the Candy Red blood who had finished the remarkable thing that his Ancestor had started. He wanted to be the troll who finally brought peace to this fucked up world, to this fucked up universe.

On the other hand, Karkat didn't want to disappoint anyone. Karkat had messed up so many times already. He let his friends drop like flies around him, he brought a stab happy psycho into their session, he allowed his best friend to go batshit insane and kill two of his friends, he even ran that stupid ~ATH code that Sollux told him not to run and basically gave everyone he knows or will know shitty luck until he dies.. Hell, Karkat gave the universe literal cancer. He didn't want to fail a large sum of trolls who had taken their time to make sure Karkat survived once he hatched, he didn't want to fail those he thought of him as a literal savior. 

Karkat was to them, what the Messiahs were to Gamzee.  

"KK, this shit probably won't happen for a long as time shouldn't worry about it now, okay? Do the normal things that you usually cry like a fucking wiggler when you watch your shitty romcoms. Or read you horribly written romance novels. Or try to think you're better than me while you cook up some bad code." Sollux gave his friend a small grin, earning one back from the shorter troll.

"'re right...why the fuck am I letting this shit bother me now? I mean, I've barely spent a year on that shitty rock. I have enough time to figure all this shit out." Karkat sat up straighter, clearly looking better than he was before bumping into Sollux. 

Sollux's small grin turned into a smile as he stood up, extending a hand to Karkat. "Of course i'm fucking right. It's me dude, have I ever been wrong? Don't answer that." Karkat took Sollux's hand and smirked a little. 

"Fine, I won't list off the many times you were wrong. But seriously, thanks man. This really helped..." Sollux nodded and the two bade their farewells, exchanging a hug and promising to hang out soon. 


Karkat woke up on the floor, infront of the fridge in the same position he was in when he first fell asleep. He yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. God, his back was sore from lying on the hard ground. He stood up and stretched, his back cracking loudly.

"Gam? You still awake?" He asked the fridge, blinking a couple times to regain the focus in hs vision. 


Karkat sighed before sitting back down infront of the appliance. "Great, well i'm awake as promised. Ready to hear the massive pile of fucking musclebeast shit that Kankri just told me?" 


"Right, aren't going to believe this but..."

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