Love / Hate

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Based on this request by anonymous:

Roman had been acting cold towards you ever since he found out that you were going to become the fourth member of The Shield and you hated it

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Roman had been acting cold towards you ever since he found out that you were going to become the fourth member of The Shield and you hated it. It made you feel nervous and uncomfortable and you wished he'd just try and get to know you, or at least give you a chance. Dean and Seth had welcomed you with open arms and they treated you like one of the guys but Roman just didn't want to know.

"Finally, she arrives!!" Roman eyes were like daggers as you entered their locker room "Could you speed thing's up next time? we haven't exactly got all day to wait for you to get pretty"

Roman spoke down to you a lot but you always gave as good as you got "And could you maybe shut your mouth because i'm really tired of hearing your voice!!"

He smirked at you but it wasn't a friendly smirk it was a hostile one "The only person that needs to shut their mouth around here is you"

"That's enough guys" Dean said stepping in front of Roman

"Spare me Roman I've heard it all before" You snapped, ignoring Dean

"Both of you need to shut the hell up'' Seth said "We've got a match to win"

Neither of you said another word to each other as you made your way out to the arena.

Dean however tried to comfort you a little, wrapping one of his arms around your waist. ''He'll come aroumd"

You looked up at him, offering a weak smile "I hope so"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

As the weeks went by you somehow managed to group together as a team and win your matches but it wasn't easy. Being around Roman was difficult and WWE made it even worse when they decided to pair you and Roman up for a romance storyline. Neither one of you were pleased with the news but it was an opportunity and when you got a push in WWE you didn't turn it down.

"Look if we have to start acting like a couple then we need to be on the same page"

You and Roman were alone in the locker room so you thought you'd take the opportunity try and talk to him. He didn't respond to you, in fact if you didn't know any better you'd think he was ignoring you

"Fine" you said as you made your way towards the door "Don't say i didn't try"

"Just when i think things can't get any worse this happens!!" you said as you joined Dean and Seth "He's completely ignoring me now"

"I wish I could tell you why he's acting like this but i have no idea" Dean admitted

It was at times like this that you were the most grateful for Dean and Seth friendship and support

"I just want him to be the same with me as he is with you two" you said sadly

"Come here" Seth said pulling you into him for a hug "If anyone can push through and knock this storyline out the park it's you"

"Seth's right'' Dean added "Your going to ace it"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"You and Roman were making your way back to your locker rooms and you were growing increasingly irritated as Roman tried to rile you up about the kiss you'd just shared in the ring.

"Don't act like you didn't love every minute of it"

"Why would I though?" You asked "I don't know about you but I don't generally kiss people I don't get on with"

Roman huffed and it did nothing to calm your temper "What do you want me to say Roman. That you were the best kiss I've ever had, that you blew my mind, that you made me weak at the knee's. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You're some piece of work you know that?" Roman observed

"Ha! Like you can talk!!" you replied

Without any warning Roman pushed you into the nearest locker room and you backed away from him until you felt your back collide with the cold brick wall. He smiled at you and locked the door behind him.

''What are you doing?''

You had no idea what was going on and you were worried. If his previous behavior was anything to go by then whatever he was planning would not be good. Roman didn't say a words as he placed his arms either side of your head, staring at you intensely.

"Roman please just...."

Before you could finish your sentence Roman lips pressed up against yours. Well that was unexpected, the man that had been so cold towards you for the last few months was now kissing you and this time it wasn't for TV. You didn't want to respond to his, in fact you wanted to push him away, slap him around the face but when his tongue slipped into your mouth you lost control of yourself.

''Wait'' you said one you eventually pulled away from him "I thought you hated me!"

Roman's hands made their way to your ass and he lifted you up, carrying you towards the couch

Roman looked at you for a moment as he settled between your legs "Hate is a strong word''

You stared up at him ''I don't understand''

''There's a fine line between love and hate (Y/N)'' Roman continued ''and i realized that what i was feeling towards you was lust and i didn't know how to handle it''

''Oh'' you said shocked "Well I think you owe me an apology. You hurt my feelings

Roman raised an eyebrow at you "Do you want a verbal apology or a physical one?"

What an offer "Both?"

"Deal" Roman said as he leant down to kiss you

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