Chapter 2: The Competition

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Throughout the night, there were many types of selections. From Elvis Presley to Madonna, most of the musical eras were hit. It was almost time for me to go up. "What are you gonna sing Eliza?" Ariel asked. The day was a dark and dreary day. Everyone was dressed in dark, gloomy colors. The pitch was given, as the casket was going into the ground. My voice was hesitant, but I continued to sing Whitney Houston's classic hit: I Will Always Love You. Tearing up at the chorus, I pushed through the feeling of losing my best friend, my secret keeper, but mostly... my mom. As I finished the final verse, the ground was covered in various flowers in reds and whites. We slowly backed away from the gravesite where my mother was buried. Whitney Houston was my mom's favorite artist. While driving home from a soccer game, we would always sit in the car for those few extra minutes to finish our song. After her passing, I could never finish the song because of the memories. It was now my turn to step up to the mike. As I belted the final chorus, my heart soared as I sang to my mom. The emotions poured out and I was tearing. At the end, I bowed my head, and stepped off stage. Ariel was there to greet me. "Eliza, that was so beautiful. Your mother is so proud right now." Ariel comforted me, as I tried holding back the tears. "I never thought I was going to be able to sing that song again." I was amazed at my previous actions. "I probably sounded horrible." At that moment, the entire room filled with applause and cheers. Each person applauding felt the emotions and pain in the song delivered to them. "See? This is what they thought. And they are saying 'That girl has talent.' I swear if you say one negative thing about yourself right now, I will smack you silly and not let you eat for an entire week." "You wouldn't!" I laughed. "Oh try me..." Ariel smiled. "See this is why you're my best friend." I hugged her. "Well, you're kinda stuck with me anyway, so you might as well love me." We laughed and returned to the lounge of the club. I slowly made my way back to the audience, as the final contestant came on the stage. It was Zayn. The music came on, as I immediately recognized it. It was For a Dancer by Jackson Browne. The chorus was especially moving. Zayn kept on looking at me. His eyes had a way of seeing my stress and sadness. As the song ending, he spoke a few words. "I dedicate this song to my father who recently passed due to lung cancer. I never realized how attached you could be to someone. It's like there is a tether between my father and I; when I reach for the other end of that string, I remember that I am alone. After my mother abandoned us, my father and I had this special connection that no one could replace." He took the moment to wipe some tears. "Thank you for your time." The entire room was silent. After a beat of the quietness, the room blossomed to in loud cheers, whistles, and hollers. I felt touched by the Zayn dedicated the song to his father. It was like we experienced the same thing and we brought here to discover each other. I walked over to him as he exited the stage. "You were phenomenal! I mean the expression was impressive." I complimented him. This was the first time I saw his deep brown, sparkling eyes that hooked my soul. He's muscular build... his black, sleek hair, his kind smile, and his angelic voice. "Thanks. It also sounded that your song had a back story to it. Was it neglecting times?" Zayn asked. "It is a really long story; I would tell it to you, but it's almost 10. After the winner is announced, I have to go back home and get ready for the morning classes." "What are you studying?" "Law and business," I replied. "Well, I think you should be taking music. You could go far." "Same to you..." "But to hear your entire story, can I have your number?" "Only if I get to know every secret of yours..." I smirked. We traded phones and added our numbers to the others phone. I took a picture with duck lips and Zayn took a photo of him looking out into the distance. We returned each other's phones, just in time to hear the winner... "Thank you to all of the performers tonight. They all did a wonderful job, didn't they folks?" the judge asked. Applause filled the atmosphere as all the singers smiled. "Unfortunately, there can only be a winner and runner up in each gender, and the champion of the Riff Off. I am sorry to say that Jack, Paige, Ashley, Miranda, Brice, and Rebecca did not make the top two. You all did a great job. Please exit the stage." There was a slight pause before the judge continued. "Well... Fawn, Zayn, Nina, Derek, Eliza, and Niall are the top three in each gender. In third place are... Fawn and Derek. You can receive a "John's Club" T-shirt and a coupon for half off wings at the door. Thank you. Now, our first place contestants are... Eliza and Zayn! Congratulations! You two will be receiving a chance to sing in front of the world's famous... Simon Cowell! Thank you, Niall and Nina, for participating; you two will receive concert to Lady Gaga's world tour in 2014. Thank you all and remember not to drive home under the influence of alcohol. Good night everybody!" Everyone cleared from the stage and headed for the door. Ariel ran up to me and gave me hug: the kind where both of the people jump around in a circle, squealing. "I can't believe you won the competition! I mean I knew you were talented, but you won the fucking competition!" "I know right?" "Say it. You know I was right. This was a terrific plan... and plus you met a guy... that could turn into a thing. Good thing you didn't..." "Ariel! People are fucking looking at us like we're fucking idiots! Don't tell my story to fucking strangers!" I screamed. "Watch you language, otherwise Simon won't sign you," a voice instructed me. "I'm so sorry Zayn. I'll watch my fucking language in front of the fucking king of the fucking music industry." I smirked. "That will clearly make you a shoe-in, now." "Yepp. Don't hate the player; hate the game." He chuckled. "Anyways, I'll talk to you later. Congratulations again." "Thanks, you too." As I was a few paces from the door, I heard a girly scream. I turn around and see a bleach blonde, skinny girl in Zayn's arms. They were doing a couple's spin... You idiot. No one as nice as he is, is going to being single. Obviously, he has a girlfriend. I continue to walk outside to a cab. As I get in the car, I get a text from Sexy Singing Soul. Sexy Singing Soul: Don't forget to tell me your story ;) -Zayn So do you guy like the story so far? Please vote and share with your friends. It means a lot to me. ~elizabeth:*

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