Chapter 3: Interrupting Plaintiff Studies

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I was in the club. The winners were just announced, and Zayn came running up to me and spun me around. He put me down, and we started leaning into each other and then…

“IT’S FRIDAY! FRIDAY! GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY. EVERYBODY’S LOOKIN’ FORWARD TO THE WEEKEND, WEEKEND.” *slam* I really hate that song. That’s the only thing that gets me up on mornings, the most irritating songs known to the snobby rich white bitches.

Like that bottle blonde, skinny twig that my Zayn was… Whoa whoa whoa! When did I think he was my Zayn… oh that’s right; when he almost kissed me. (I know, in my dreams, so shut up readers. A girl can dream, literally.)

Now was the time to get ready. I took a quick shower while listening to Jessie’s Girl. (Even though I live in England, I listen to America’s 80s, Classics, and Todays Hits.) I come out and take a look around my closet. I chose a pair of gray slacks with a low cut turquoise blouse that shows a little cleavage. With the addition of a brief case and black wedges, I’m all set to go.

I take a short walk from my apartment to my car. (I live separate from the university so I can have a life of my own.) It’s only about a 10 minute drive. I get in and turn on the radio. For A Dancer comes on. It sounded very familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Eventually I remembered it was Zayn who sang it last night. Ah, Zayn… his brown sugary eyes and his angelic voice and


I legit swerved before I hit the huge delivery truck. I realized that I was falling hard for this guy… this guy I just met last night. But he had a fucking girlfriend, why wouldn’t he…


I got to class, all safe and in one piece. I quickly find my class with Professor James and sat down. Today was the day we were going to learn about Plaintiff Strategies.

“Now remember class, the plaintiff always is trying to prove a defendant guilty in a criminal case. In a civil case, you are trying to convince the jury to find in favor of you, the plaintiff or prosecution. Any questions so far?”

Complete silence entered the classroom. “Very well class. Take out your books and turn to page 35 [AN: for you Amanda P. :P] Now this case is a civil case about college applications and social networking. Will somebody like to read the introduction… Ms. Marshall?

  “DO YOU WANT TO DANCE WITH ME” my phone screams…

“Ms. Marshall please turn off your cell phone.”


“Because I am teaching a class.” Mr. James answers my phone.

Almost the whole class bursts into laughing while I’m turning into a bright red tomato. That was my favorite Viner and he was my ringtone. Sometimes if I get bored, I respond to him “No thank you… DA FAQ U DON’T UNDERSTAND?”

“Back to reality, Ms. Marshall?”

“Oh, yes… well the case states that there was a girl, Student A and she was…”


“That’s it for class today. Ms. Marshall a word?” Everyone was gone, as I awkwardly sat in my chair. “Now Ms. Marshall, I heard you were in a competition last night?”

“Yes, sir. It was a singing competition. The reason my phone was on because I was waiting for a phone call and…”

“She was waiting for me,” a voice called into the room. There stood a magnificent angel named Zayn.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked.

“Sir, I ask you to leave this room, due to an important conversation before you rudely interrupted us.” Mr. James said.

“I apologize Mr. James. Eliza, I’ll wait for you outside.”

“I’m really sorry Mr. James. This stuff usually doesn’t happen often.”

“I know. This is all about your new career, which is what I wanted to talk to you about. If you ever need a good contract or need a second pair of eyes, contact me. And have fun! Your studies will be put on hold for now and will be accessible within 2 years of departure. Just remember, keep your wits about you and a pen and pad with you. You never know what will turn into a future case.”

“Thanks Mr. James,” I said, as I left the classroom with my future ahead of me.

Ihope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sorry for the longest wait for an update. With 8th grade stuff and recitals and parties, I had no time. I will try to be more active.

 dedication to a commenter

~elizabeth :*

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