Chapter 7: The End is Near

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Everyone runs over to the dark wall that has a dim light shining on it. The wall is full of pictures of Xavier and Kassandra.
"Xavier? What the hell is going on?" Kassandra says taking a photograph off the wall with a red X through her face.
"I have no idea." Xavier looks at a posted note that reads true love can break the curse of remembrance and he stuffs it into his pocket without anyone knowing.
"So what do we do! She has been spying on us somehow." Kassandra says in a panic.
"Cmon everything will be okay, we just have to get to the funhouse without the Pitchfork Kids knowing."
"Well the Goddess already knows we are here or she wouldn't have sent her blood dolls out to hunt us down. She has millions of controlled freaks she uses which is pathetic. And then she has her own personal spies! This is an outrage! I am tired of that woman and I haven't even met her!" Angel says staring at Xavier knowing that he stuffed something in his pocket.
"We have to kill the bitch before she can do whatever she needs to do." Xavier tries to reassure everyone including him. They slip out the back of the hotel and run toward the nearest attraction. Closer and closer they get to the funhouse and no sign of the Pitchfork Kids. Yet there is no sign of Harry or Miranda. Xavier knows he has been played and revenge is bittersweet in his mind. The FunLand is a maze of wonders that have been lost to the Kingdom, they now are nightmares lurking around each and every corner.
"No wonder the weird bitch chose this place! It's a messed up place for a messed up mind." Chloe says kind of chuckling.
"Alright it is right up there!" Xavier says but freezes when he hears footsteps approaching. The group sees Harry and Miranda leading the Pitchfork Kids to battle. "Everybody ready?" Xavier says with piercing eyes at Miranda, her eyes are blood red and her smile says it all, pure evil runs in her blood.
"Ready!" Everyone says running to attack. Aritha holds back Xavier.
"You go and kill that asshole! You can stop her, your abilities are strong! We have this! Don't worry about us." She kisses him on the forehead and runs into the battle that begins the end. Xavier runs toward the back of the Funhouse where he sees the back door is swinging open. Xavier steps into the echoing laughter house. He looks around and sees the mechanical clowns. Turns at every corner full of glow in the dark walls and twists of insanity. He gets to a dark tunnel where he sees a woman smiling there at the end. She suddenly disappears around the corner, Xavier dashes off after her. He finds himself in a bizarre topsey turvey room full of mirrors.
"Hello Xavier! I have been expecting you to show up!" The woman speaks and Xavier sees her in all of the mirrors. "Don't be shy, come and find me. We have a lot to talk about." The woman says disappearing. Xavier walks through the maze of mirrors and walls of creepy paintings of clowns that have their eyes watching Xavier's every move. He finally approaches a door that says pull me, he pulls the door and sees a room full of mechanic clowns and a maddening, colorful chair where the mysterious woman is. She is smiling with a great, big grin. She gets up and looks out the dusty wacky shaped window. Then the woman looks at Xavier and says, "What do you think? Be honest now! I don't bite hard."
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Xavier says rather crudely.
"No, but I did scrape my knee crawling out of hell. Now you got that off your back... You must know who I am." She twirls around and has a big grin still on her face. "I am the Goddess! Welcome to my playground of horror!"
"You are a sick and twisted woman! You know that?"
"Well that's not nice but trust me, I know!" She sits back down in her odd chair. "Now you want to know my plan, right?" She stares at Xavier with her crystal, sky blue eyes. "I know you do. Why ask? How silly of me?" The Goddess laughs cynically. She stares at Xavier contently and has an awful smile on her face. "Alright, there has been enough suspense! My plan is everyone that lives in Falling Skies Kingdom will fall and disappear."
"That's impossible. You can't do that." Xavier says with an attitude.
"Oh really. My magic can... Remember I have the most powerful dark magic in the land!" The Goddess says as she begins the Dark Magic of the Portal.
"What the hell is that?" Xavier says as the portal opens up.
"This is the end for you!" The Goddess says as the portal opens up over the sky of Falling Skies Kingdom. "This is how it ends all of you will be gone and I will be rightful ruler of Falling Skies!"
"Not if I can stop you!"
"It's over Xavier! I have won!" As the Goddess opens the window to see people vanish into the portal. "I told you, this is over and the end of the line. You are done here! You will never remember what has happened here! As soon as people go through the portal, they forget everything from Falling Skies Kingdom."
"No but I know how to break the curse! True love!" Xavier says taking the Goddess by the arm and they both go through the portal. The battle freezes and the band of misfits fall through the portal. The Unforgotten and the Pitchfork Kids though stay in Falling Skies Kingdom. Somehow they get stuck in the kingdom and the portal starts to close. But before it closes a young woman falls from the portal and drops into the funhouse.
"Where the hell did everyone go?" Mik says and looks at the Forgotten boys.
"I think we are all that's left?" Jordan says all concerned.
"Umm.. And the Pitchfork Kids." Alec says.
"This is the end of Falling Skies Kingdom." Mik says looking up at the dark sky and seeing that the portal is gone. Yet a mysterious figure descends into the funhouse at a rapid speed. The young woman wakes up in the funhouse and panics! A scream is heard from the funhouse and the Unforgottens look up to see a mysterious woman looking out the window.

Xavier Chronicles Book 1: The MisfitsWhere stories live. Discover now