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// 2am \\

melanies pov

my close friend ann is sitting with me outside the bar we were in. I came out for air and she followed.

"Fag?" She asks while holding a ciggarette between her fingers

"Thanks" i reply taking it and slipping a lighter out off my pocket. I place the fag between my chapped lips and quickly light it.

"Where are you later?" Ann asks while puffing smoke out of her pale lips

"Not sure - still looking - you?" I reply doing the same

"You should stay with me and dylan, we're in the ally beside the supermarket"

"Uh, yeah sure" i beg myself not to hessitate. I stand alone as she puts her thumb up to me and puts her ciggarette out and wonders back into the bar.

Dylan is anns boyfriend. Hes the shy type but not when drunk. Ann met him at a club a few months back, they were talking for a while then they wondered off somewhere to have sexual contact with eachother. It was awkward for me i guess but i wasnt sober so i cared less.

*puts ciggarette out*

"I robbed you these" ann squeals as she breaks my stare. I turn to face her and see that she was holding three bottles of vodka.
I grab them off her desperatly dying for a swig.

"Woah steady" she laughs. I just frown at her and see her fall agaisnt the wall several times. In the end she gives up standing and sits on the floor with her back against the wall while her eyelids shut. Then he gets my attention, dylan i mean. He looks around his shoulders and sees a couple of posh drunkens around the atmosphere.

"Ann,baby" he sees ann sitting on the floor and he picks her up and slams her against the wall. They both giggle a little before dylan slams his lips againt anns and then they both have a wild make out session. His hands are moving all over her like an animal.

"Oh okay ill leave" i say after swigging the last of the first bottle and as i turn the corner to my old ally i notice quilts and pillows so i use them to lay on. I try not to cry. Im stressed. Homeless isnt the best position to be in, nor is drunk but it takes away 99.9 percent of the pain so it works out.

// a.n \\

Sorry this is really shit.

Ive had a real bad day but hey its an update :)))))

Im vvvvvsorry if you hate this but hey hoe lmao


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