Chapter 14

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God I swear if you let me out of this alive, I'll be at my best behaviour and I would be thankful for the rest of my short life.

My lungs were out of air when I heard his rusky voice. It seemed somehow familiar but I passed out the moment a cold napkin was rested on my face.


"Morning sunshine."

"Hey uncle." I mumbled, deep in my thoughts.

He furrowed his brows and replaced his smile with a pout when he saw me.

"Why so upset? I mean i know it's monday and you don't want to go to school but is it that upsetting?"

"It's not school.."

"What is it then?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Father. I got into a fight with him this morning. We just can't get along sometimes, you know."

"I'm sure he was stressed out with all the thoughts on his mind. You know a doctor's job is never easy. You have to put up with him sunshine, he deserves the best."

"Yeah.. yeah.."

"Anyway what brings you up here? You'll be late for your first class today."

"I just felt like coming here. Seeing you makes me feel better, truely." I said, with a faint smile playing on my lips. 

"Well that's what I'm always here for. You're my little sunshine that I need to take care off while my old pal is busy taking care of others."

I let a small chuckle leave my mouth and a wider smile started to creep on my face. I knew that he'll get me out of my bad mood. He always does.

"So uncle, what's your advice for today?"

"Well.. I've learnt something really important in the past couple of weeks:  No matter how much you think you know somebody, you should never fully trust them."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you must always be careful sunshine, even from the ones who mean the world to you. We're all people after all and somethings can get to us and persuade us to hurt the ones we love."

"Wise like ever uncle. I guess I should get going. I'll see you soon." 

I waved goodbye and headed to the door when he grabbed my shoulder and whispered:

"Wait.. there's one more thing."


He took a deep breath and out of no-where he started shouting.



My eyes shot open and I rose up trying to explore the place around me. I was sat in a bed, covered with clean sheets and a bandage was wrapped around my wrist. It was obvious that someone has taken care of me , but I couldn't remember a thing. All I recall is an old man covering my whole face with a napkin.

The door started creeking , and I heard footsteps heading towards me.

Ok this person has helped you so stay calm because if he wanted to harm you, he would've done it a while ago.

But maybe he wants you to be concious when he is slowly peeling off your skin.

Nonononono, no bad thoughts Lora . Everything will be fine.. everything will be fine.. every...

"Oh thank god you woke up. I was going to lose the rest of my mind."

I peered to get a better look of the man infront of me. This face.. this hair....

"U-uncle George?" I uttered, completely shocked.

"And you haven't lost your memory. You're a lucky one."

It took me a minute to register all thay's happening. Then i spoke alittle pissed : "What are you doing here? What are we doing here?"

"This is my hiding place. My only shelter and home. I stayed here for the past week or so. I've been looking for any moving vehicles that I can claim and luckily I found this truck."

Flashbacks of what happend rushed infront of  my eyes , but they were too vague to remember what had happend. Suddenly the image of a head flying from a body and bath bloods under that, occured to me.

"Wh-why did y-you do that?" I stuttered.

"Why did I do what?"

"You k-killed that man."

"Oh that."

A wave of anger washed over me , and I couldn't hold my nerves anymore. How could he do such a thing. From all the people I know in this world he would be the last one I see killing. But ofcourse he had to be the first.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN OH THAT.WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT LIKE IT'S NO BIG DEAL?HOW COULD YOU?!" I yelled , draining all the power that is left in me.

"Sunshine I had to do it. You never know if it was an alive human being or a zombie. Hell I used to believe they didn't even exist , but seeing them in real life is much scarier than movies and shows."

"How come you didn't kill me then?" I was still mad , but I had to hear a reasonable explanation from him. Something about the way he talks seems off. 

"I wouldn't kill you because you obviously know alot. Since you got a hold of a truck and food. I thought you'd be helpful, but now seeing that you didn't even lock the car... you're not as smart as I knew you Lora. You are lucky I recognised you before throwing you away for animals to eat."

That ladies and gentlemen, was a straight blow to the heart. It physically hurt me.

"What? Since when are you so mean. You aren't the man I used to love and cherish like my own father."

I got up from my seat and sprinted out of the room. Heading no-where in particular and trying to ignore him calling me. Damn life isn't only trying to hurt me physically but emotionally as well. And I thought someone in this world cared for me. Guess I was wrong again.

I gave up and let my tears fall. I never knew crying would help so much. It felt like all the pain was escaping my body in those tears.

As I sat outside the small cottage, I remembered Andrew and his small message. I should be looking for him right now. If anything he helped me stay alive this far , and I owe him big time. However,  I have no clue where I am , and Uncle George won't be much of a help either. He didn't even bother coming after me , and I've been sitting here for at least an hour questioning my existance.

Strangely,  I remembered how my father would say something mean to me without realizing how bad those few words hurt. I remembered crying after every little argument we had. I remember feeling so jealous and left out when my dad would buy Sam a new toy or take him out to a baseball match.

Well this experience surely got the best of me. Now where were we? Yeah, trying to find Andrew. Now how the hell am I gonna get to the city without that truck? Where would he hide it?

I started roaming around the place trying to explore the area. It felt like a deserted farm. Probably haunted. There were a few trees here and there. A little pond half a mile away and yet not a single clue where the car is.

I walked to the end of a small path when I found a gate. Well that's weird. I tried to open it but ofcourse, it was jammed. So I did what any normal person would do. I started hitting the lock with a rock hoping it would open. Spoiler alert, it didn't so I  had to go with plan B.

Yeah I tried to jump over it which I actually succeeded in. Only to rip my pants in some not too appropriate places but that doesn't matter now.

The moment I landed safely on my feet, I looked up to the last thing I wanted to see right now.

Oh crap.


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